Nina Omani
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Cited by
Evaluation of drought implications on ecosystem services: freshwater provisioning and food provisioning in the Upper Mississippi River basin
P Li, N Omani, I Chaubey, X Wei
International journal of environmental research and public health 14 (5), 496, 2017
Hydrological modeling of highly glacierized basins (Andes, Alps, and Central Asia)
N Omani, R Srinivasan, R Karthikeyan, PK Smith
Water 9 (2), 111, 2017
Simulated effects of winter wheat cover crop on cotton production systems of the Texas Rolling Plains
P Adhikari, N Omani, S Ale, PB DeLaune, KR Thorp, EM Barnes, ...
Transactions of the ASABE 60 (6), 2083-2096, 2017
Glacier mass balance simulation using SWAT distributed snow algorithm
N Omani, R Srinivasan, PK Smith, R Karthikeyan
Hydrological Sciences Journal 62 (4), 546-560, 2017
Assessing the impacts of irrigation termination periods on cotton productivity under strategic deficit irrigation regimes
SK Himanshu, S Ale, JP Bordovsky, JJ Kim, S Samanta, N Omani, ...
Nature Scientific Reports 11 (1), 1-16, 2021
Determining optimum irrigation termination periods for cotton production in the Texas High Plains
S Ale, N Omani, SK Himanshu, JP Bordovsky, KR Thorp, EM Barnes
Transactions of the ASABE 63 (1), 105-115, 2020
Perennial biomass production from marginal land in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
Q Feng, I Chaubey, R Cibin, B Engel, KP Sudheer, J Volenec, N Omani
Land Degradation & Development 29 (6), 1748-1755, 2018
Modeling of a river basin using SWAT Model and GIS
N Omani, M Tajrishi, A Abrishamchi
Malaysia, 2nd International Conference on Managing Rivers in the 21st …, 2007
Impacts of climate change on the glacier melt runoff from five river basins
N Omani, R Srinivasan, R Karthikeyan, V Reddy, PK Smith
Transactions of the ASABE 59 (4), 829-848, 2016
Estimation of fresh water inflow to bays from gaged and ungaged watersheds
T Lee, R Srinivasan, J Moon, N Omani
Applied engineering in agriculture 27 (6), 917-923, 2011
Modeling of a river basin using SWAT model and SUFI-2
N Omani, M Tajrishy, A Abrishamchi
Netherlands, Delft, 4th International Conference of SWAT Model, 2007
Synthetic scenarios from CMIP5 model simulations for climate change impact assessments in managed ecosystems and water resources: Case study in South Asian Countries
A Anandhi, N Omani, I Chaubey, R Horton, DA Bader, RS Nanjundiah
Transactions of the ASABE 59 (6), 1715-1731, 2016
A distributed model parameter optimization toolbox performing multisite calibration in the lump and distributed mode for the SWAT model
Q Feng, L Chen, L Yang, H Yen, R Wang, F Wu, Y Feng, C Raj, BA Engel, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software, 105785, 2023
Estimation of Sediment and Nutrient Loads to Bays from Gauged and Ungauged Watersheds
N Omani, R Srinivasan, T Lee
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 30 (6), 869-887, 2014
Estimating sediment and nutrient loads of Texas Coastal Watersheds with SWAT
N Omani, R Srinivasan, T Lee
2012 Dallas, Texas, July 29-August 1, 2012, 1, 2012
Estimating sediment and nutrient loads of Texas Coastal Watersheds with SWAT: a case study of Galveston Bay and Matagorda Bay
N Omani, T Lee, R Srinivasan
Texas Water Development Board, 2012
Water quality modeling of an agricultural watershed with best management practices
N Kannan, N Omani, R Miranda
Int J Res Eng Technol 3, 553-564, 2014
Impact Assessment of Climate Change on Glaciers and Runoff Using SWAT
N Omani
PhD Thesis, Texas A&M University, 2014
The Future of Ecosystem Services in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
RA Logsdon, N Omani, C Raj, I Chaubey, R Srinivasan
ASABE 1st Climate Change Symposium: Adaptation and Mitigation Conference …, 2015
Depth matters: Lake bathymetry selection in numerical Weather prediction systems
J Kessler, E Espey, A VanDeWeghe, AD Gronewold, T Sorensen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 130 (2), e2024JD041794, 2025
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Articles 1–20