Michael Delichatsios, Professor
Michael Delichatsios, Professor
Former director FireSERT,Senior Distinguished Fellow Ulster, Northeastern University
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Cited by
Rapid microwave synthesis of CO tolerant reduced graphene oxide-supported platinum electrocatalysts for oxidation of methanol
S Sharma, A Ganguly, P Papakonstantinou, X Miao, M Li, JL Hutchison, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (45), 19459-19466, 2010
Transition from momentum to buoyancy-controlled turbulent jet diffusion flames and flame height relationships
MA Delichatsios
Combustion and Flame 92 (4), 349-364, 1993
The flow of fire gases under a beamed ceiling
MA Delichatsios
Combustion and Flame 43, 1-10, 1981
Air entrainment into buoyant jet flames and pool fires
MA Delichatsios
Combustion and Flame 70 (1), 33-46, 1987
Heat fluxes and flame heights in facades from fires in enclosures of varying geometry
YP Lee, MA Delichatsios, GWH Silcock
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31 (2), 2521-2528, 2007
Coagulation in turbulent flow: theory and experiment
MA Delichatsios, RF Probstein
Journal of Colloid and interface Science 51 (3), 394-405, 1975
The initial convective flow in fire
G Heskestad, MA Delichatsios
Symposium (international) on combustion 17 (1), 1113-1123, 1979
Experimental study on flame height and temperature profile of buoyant window spill plume from an under-ventilated compartment fire
F Tang, LH Hu, MA Delichatsios, KH Lu, W Zhu
International journal of Heat and Mass transfer 55 (1-3), 93-101, 2012
The use of time to ignition data for characterizing the thermal inertia and the minimum (critical) heat flux for ignition or pyrolysis
MA Delichatsios, TH Panagiotou, F Kiley
Combustion and Flame 84 (3-4), 323-332, 1991
Flammability properties for charring materials
M Delichatsios, B Paroz, A Bhargava
Fire Safety Journal 38 (3), 219-228, 2003
An inter-comparison exercise on the capabilities of CFD models to predict the short and long term distribution and mixing of hydrogen in a garage
AG Venetsanos, E Papanikolaou, M Delichatsios, J Garcia, OR Hansen, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34 (14), 5912-5923, 2009
Effects of nanoclay and fire retardants on fire retardancy of a polymer blend of EVA and LDPE
J Zhang, J Hereid, M Hagen, D Bakirtzis, MA Delichatsios, A Fina, ...
Fire Safety Journal 44 (4), 504-513, 2009
Piloted ignition times, critical heat fluxes and mass loss rates at reduced oxygen atmospheres
MA Delichatsios
Fire Safety Journal 40 (3), 197-212, 2005
Flammability assessment of fire-retarded Nordic Spruce wood using thermogravimetric analyses and cone calorimetry
M Hagen, J Hereid, MA Delichatsios, J Zhang, D Bakirtzis
Fire Safety Journal 44 (8), 1053-1066, 2009
Exact solution for the rate of creeping flame spread over thermally thin materials
MA Delichatsios
Combustion Science and Technology 44 (5-6), 257-267, 1986
Flame height and lift-off of turbulent buoyant jet diffusion flames in a reduced pressure atmosphere
L Hu, Q Wang, M Delichatsios, F Tang, X Zhang, S Lu
Fuel 109, 234-240, 2013
Measurements of particle flame temperatures using three-color optical pyrometry
T Panagiotou, Y Levendis, M Delichatsios
Combustion and Flame 104 (3), 272-287, 1996
The effect of coalescence on the average drop size in liquid-liquid dispersions
MA Delichatsios, RF Probstein
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals 15 (2), 134-138, 1976
Fire hazards of exterior wall assemblies containing combustible components
N White, M Delichatsios
Springer, 2015
An experimental investigation and statistical characterization of intermittent flame ejecting behavior of enclosure fires with an opening
L Hu, K Lu, M Delichatsios, L He, F Tang
Combustion and Flame 159 (3), 1178-1184, 2012
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Articles 1–20