Ananingtyas S Darmarini
Ananingtyas S Darmarini
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Short Communication: New record of a primitive brachiopod, Lingula sp. in Lubuk Damar, Indonesia
AS Darmarini, Y Wardiatno, T Prartono, K Soewardi
Biodiversitas ( 18 (4), 1438-1444, 2017
New distribution record of the soldier crab, Dotilla myctiroides (Milne-Edwards) from Lubuk Damar Coast, Aceh Province, Indonesia
YW 1Ananingtyas S. Darmarini, Kadarwan Soewardi, Tri Prartono, Agus A. Hakim ...
AACL Bioflux 12 (, 289-297, 2019
The diversity of the genus Panulirus trafficked through the fish quarantine station controlling the quality and safety of fishery products, Aceh Province
L Lastria, AS Darmarini, M Aly, Y Wardiatno
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural …, 2023
The diversity and abundance of phytoplankton in Lubuk Damar coastal waters, Aceh Tamiang, Indonesia
AS Darmarini, Y Wardiatno, T Prartono, K Soewardi, D Ardania
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 674 (1), 012023, 2021
Kebiasaan Makanan Beberapa Jenis Ikan di Ekosistem Mangrove Lubuk Kertang, Sumatera Utara
AS Darmarini, D Desrita, O Onrizal
Jurnal Kelautan Tropis 26 (2), 293-300, 2023
The Current Condition of Coral Reef and Fish Diversity in Gosong Island, Southwest Aceh
SK Nurul Najmi, Ananingtyas S. Darmarini, Nanda Muhammad Razi, Mai Suriani
The community structure of intertidal macrozoobenthos on muddy substrate in Lubuk Damar, Aceh Tamiang, Indonesia
AS Darmarini, Y Wardiatno, T Prartono, K Soewardi, M Zainuri
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 744 (1), 012011, 2021
Diversity of marine plankton in coral reef ecosystems at Gosong Island, Southwest Aceh
N Najmi, M Suriani, MR Mira, SD Ananingtyas
E3S Web of Conferences 339, 03004, 2022
The conditions of coral reef ecosystem on Seureudong Island, South Aceh, Indonesia.
N Najmi, E Lisdayanti, F Lubis, AS Darmarini
Journal of Natural Resources & Environment Management/Jurnal Pengelolaan …, 2023
Kepadatan makrozoobentos di perairan Peunaga Rayeuk, kecamatan Meureubo, kabupaten Aceh Barat
Y Sarah, N Najmi, AS Darmarini, H Heriansyah
Jurnal Perikanan Tropis 10 (1), 11-20, 2023
Structure of mangrove ecosystem in Lubuk Damar Coast, Seruway, Aceh Tamiang
AS Darmarini, Y Wardiatno, T Partono, K Soewardi, AM Samosir, ...
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural …, 2022
Komunikasi singkat: Keberadaan alga hijau koin, di Pesisir Lhok Bubon, Samatiga, Aceh Barat.
E Lisdayanti, IP Ayu, N Asriani, N Najmi, AS Darmarini
Habitus Aquatica (Journal of Aquatic Resources & Fisheries Management) 5 (2), 2024
Food Source Identification of Macrozoobenthos in the Mangrove Ecosystem of Lubuk Damar, Aceh Tamiang, Indonesia: A Stable Isotope Approach
AS Darmarini, Y Wardiatno, T Prartono, K Soewardi, I Iskandar, ...
Tropical Life Sciences Research 35 (2), 31, 2024
The Occurance of Coin Green Seaweeds, at Lhok Bubon Coast, Samatiga, West Aceh
E Lisdayanti, IP Ayu, N Asriani, Y Yuliati, N Najmi, AS Darmarini
Habitus Aquatica 5 (2), 58–66-58–66, 2024
Diversity and Abundance of Plankton From Peunaga, Cut Ujong Estuary, Meulaboh, West Aceh
E Lisdayanti, EPD Hermawan, AS Darmarini, R Rahmawati, N Najmi
Juvenil: Jurnal Ilmiah Kelautan dan Perikanan 5 (1), 86-95, 2024
The Conditions of Coral Reef Ecosystem on Seureudong Island, South Aceh
AS Darmarini, N Najmi, E Lisdayanti, F Lubis
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural …, 2023
New Distribution Record of Mud Owls (Polychaeta Sternaspidae) in Mangrove Ecosystem at Lubuk Damar, Aceh Tamiang, Aceh Province, Indonesia
AS Darmarini, Y Wardiatno, S Nursiyamah
Biodiversity Journal 14 (4), 0623-0631, 2023
Kajian Struktur Trofik Ekosistem Mangrove sebagai Dasar Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Ikan di Perairan Pesisir Lubuk Damar, Seruway, Aceh Tamiang
AS Darmarini
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 0
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