J. Morgan Varner
J. Morgan Varner
Tall Timbers Director of Research & Senior Scientist
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Prescribed fire in North American forests and woodlands: history, current practice, and challenges
KC Ryan, EE Knapp, JM Varner
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11 (s1), e15-e24, 2013
Fire as a fundamental ecological process: research advances and frontiers
KK McLauchlan, PE Higuera, J Miesel, BM ROgers, J Schweitzer, ...
Journal of Ecology 108 (5), 2047-2069, 2020
Comment on “The global tree restoration potential”
JW Veldman, JC Aleman, ST Alvarado, TM Anderson, S Archibald, ...
Science 366 (6463), eaay7976, 2019
Restoring Fire to Long‐Unburned Pinus palustris Ecosystems: Novel Fire Effects and Consequences for Long‐Unburned Ecosystems
JM Varner III, DR Gordon, FE Putz, JK Hiers
Restoration Ecology 13 (3), 536-544, 2005
Fire and tree death: understanding and improving modeling of fire-induced tree mortality
SM Hood, JM Varner, P Van Mantgem, CA Cansler
Environmental Research Letters 13 (11), 113004, 2018
The burning characteristics of southeastern oaks: discriminating fire facilitators from fire impeders
JM Kane, JM Varner, JK Hiers
Forest Ecology and Management 256 (12), 2039-2045, 2008
Post-fire regeneration across a fire severity gradient in the southern Cascades
JS Crotteau, JM Varner III, MW Ritchie
Forest Ecology and Management 287, 103-112, 2013
Toward a mechanism for eastern North American forest mesophication: differential litter drying across 17 species
JK Kreye, JM Varner, JK Hiers, J Mola
Ecological Applications 23 (8), 1976-1986, 2013
Prescribed fire science: the case for a refined research agenda
JK Hiers, JJ O’Brien, JM Varner, BW Butler, M Dickinson, J Furman, ...
Fire Ecology 16, 1-15, 2020
The flammability of forest and woodland litter: a synthesis
JM Varner, JM Kane, JK Kreye, E Engber
Current Forestry Reports 1, 91-99, 2015
Impediments to prescribed fire across agency, landscape and manager: an example from northern California
LN Quinn-Davidson, JM Varner
International Journal of Wildland Fire 21 (3), 210-218, 2011
Post-fire tree stress and growth following smoldering duff fires
JM Varner, FE Putz, JJ O’Brien, JK Hiers, RJ Mitchell, DR Gordon
Forest Ecology and Management 258 (11), 2467-2474, 2009
Biogeography of fire regimes in western US conifer forests: A trait‐based approach
JT Stevens, MM Kling, DW Schwilk, JM Varner, JM Kane
Global Ecology and Biogeography 29 (5), 944-955, 2020
Overstory tree mortality resulting from reintroducing fire to long-unburned longleaf pine forests: the importance of duff moisture
JM Varner, JK Hiers, RD Ottmar, DR Gordon, FE Putz, DD Wade
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37 (8), 1349-1358, 2007
Patterns of flammability of the California oaks: the role of leaf traits
EA Engber, JM Varner III
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42 (11), 1965-1975, 2012
Mesophication of oak landscapes: Evidence, knowledge gaps, and future research
HD Alexander, C Siegert, JS Brewer, J Kreye, MA Lashley, JK McDaniel, ...
BioScience 71 (5), 531-542, 2021
Mesophytic litter dampens flammability in fire‐excluded pyrophytic oak–hickory woodlands
JK Kreye, JM Varner, GW Hamby, JM Kane
Ecosphere 9 (1), e02078, 2018
Fire behavior in masticated fuels: A review
JK Kreye, NW Brewer, P Morgan, JM Varner, AMS Smith, CM Hoffman, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 314, 193-207, 2014
Novel fuelbed characteristics associated with mechanical mastication treatments in northern California and south-western Oregon, USA
JM Kane, JM Varner, EE Knapp
International Journal of Wildland Fire 18 (6), 686-697, 2009
Ecological value of retaining pyrophytic oaks in longleaf pine ecosystems
JK Hiers, JR Walters, RJ Mitchell, JM Varner, LM Conner, LA Blanc, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 78 (3), 383-393, 2014
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