Hermanto Siregar
Hermanto Siregar
Professor of Economics, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB University)
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Environmental, economic, and social consequences of the oil palm boom
M Qaim, KT Sibhatu, H Siregar, I Grass
Annual Review of Resource Economics 12, 321-344, 2020
Oil palm adoption, household welfare, and nutrition among smallholder farmers in Indonesia
M Euler, V Krishna, S Schwarze, H Siregar, M Qaim
World Development 93, 219-235, 2017
Dampak pertumbuhan ekonomi terhadap penurunan jumlah penduduk miskin
H Siregar, D Wahyuniarti
Prosiding Seminar Nasional “Meningkatkan Peran Sektor Pertanian dalam …, 2008
Oil palm expansion among smallholder farmers in Sumatra, Indonesia
M Euler, S Schwarze, H Siregar, M Qaim
Journal of Agricultural Economics 67 (3), 658-676, 2016
Differential livelihood impacts of oil palm expansion in Indonesia
V Krishna, M Euler, H Siregar, M Qaim
Agricultural Economics 48 (5), 639-653, 2017
The determinants of bank's efficiency in Indonesia
AW Widiarti, H Siregar, T Andati
Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking 18 (2), 129-156, 2015
The impact of macroeconomic condition on the banks performance in Indonesia
A Aviliani, H Siregar, TNA Maulana, H Hasanah
Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking 17 (4), 379-402, 2015
Analisis non-performing financing (NPF) secara umum dan segmen mikro pada tiga bank syariah nasional di Indonesia
W Kuswahariani, H Siregar, F Syarifuddin
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis Dan Manajemen (JABM) 6 (1), 26-36, 2020
Perbaikan struktur dan pertumbuhan ekonomi: Mendorong investasi dan menciptakan lapangan kerja
H Siregar
Jurnal Ekonomi Politik dan Keuangan. INDEF. Jakarta, 2006
Land-use change, nutrition, and gender roles in Indonesian farm households
D Chrisendo, VV Krishna, H Siregar, M Qaim
Forest Policy and Economics 118, 102245, 2020
Efektivitas kebijakan harga pangan terhadap ketahanan pangan
N Ilham, H Siregar, DS Priyarsono
Jurnal Agro Ekonomi 24 (2), 157-177, 2006
Determinant of efficiency of the Islamic banking in Indonesia
N Hidayati, H Siregar, SH Pasaribu
Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking 20 (1), 29-48, 2017
Abnormal returns and trading volume in the Indonesian Stock Market in relation to the presidential elections in 2004, 2009, and 2014
I Imelda, H Siregar, L Anggraeni
BISNIS & BIROKRASI: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi 21 (2), 65-76, 2015
Agricultural development in Indonesia: Current problems, issues, and policies
J Winoto, H Siregar
Analisis Kebijakan Pertanian 6 (1), 11-36, 2008
Effects of credit on economic growth, unemployment and poverty
MA Sipahutar, R Oktaviani, H Siregar, B Juanda
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi Dan Pembangunan 17 (1), 37-49, 2016
Agency costs, corporate governance and ownership concentration: The case of agro-industrial companies in Indonesia
H Hastori, H Siregar, R Sembel, A Maulana
Asian Social Science 11 (18), 311-319, 2015
Oil palm cultivation improves living standards and human capital formation in smallholder farm households
D Chrisendo, H Siregar, M Qaim
World Development 159, 106034, 2022
Transformation of agro-forest management policy under the dynamic circumstances of a two-decade regional autonomy in Indonesia
DR Nurrochmat, R Pribadi, H Siregar, A Justianto, MS Park
Forests 12 (4), 419, 2021
Related party transactions and firm value in the business groups in the Indonesia stock exchange
ME Tambunan, H Siregar, AH Manurung, DS Priyarsono
Journal of Applied Finance and Banking 7 (3), 1-20, 2017
The impacts of export tax policy on the Indonesian crude palm oil industry
J Obado, Y Syaukat, H Siregar
Journal International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences 15 …, 2009
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