Optical resonators with whispering gallery modes I: basics AB Matsko, VS Ilchenko
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron 12 (3), 3, 2006
931 2006 Conversion of conventional gravitational-wave interferometers into quantum nondemolition interferometers by modifying their input and/or output optics HJ Kimble, Y Levin, AB Matsko, KS Thorne, SP Vyatchanin
Physical Review D 65 (2), 022002, 2001
844 2001 High spectral purity Kerr frequency comb radio frequency photonic oscillator W Liang, D Eliyahu, VS Ilchenko, AA Savchenkov, AB Matsko, D Seidel, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7957, 2015
739 2015 Optical resonators with whispering-gallery modes-part II: applications VS Ilchenko, AB Matsko
IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics 12 (1), 15-32, 2006
724 2006 Nonlinear optics and crystalline whispering gallery mode cavities VS Ilchenko, AA Savchenkov, AB Matsko, L Maleki
Physical review letters 92 (4), 043903, 2004
583 2004 Tunable optical frequency comb with a crystalline whispering gallery mode resonator AA Savchenkov, AB Matsko, VS Ilchenko, I Solomatine, D Seidel, L Maleki
Physical review letters 101 (9), 093902, 2008
556 2008 Optoelectronic Oscillator L Maleki, D Eliyahu, AB Matsko
Edmond Chen and Antao Murphy, Broadband Optical Modulators. Science …, 2011
533 2011 Optical resonators with ten million finesse AA Savchenkov, AB Matsko, VS Ilchenko, L Maleki
Optics express 15 (11), 6768-6773, 2007
478 2007 Brillouin Lasing with a Whispering Gallery Mode Resonator IS Grudinin, AB Matsko, L Maleki
Physical review letters 102 (4), 043902, 2009
389 2009 Ultralow noise miniature external cavity semiconductor laser W Liang, VS Ilchenko, D Eliyahu, AA Savchenkov, AB Matsko, D Seidel, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7371, 2015
385 2015 Nonlinear and quantum optics with whispering gallery resonators DV Strekalov, C Marquardt, AB Matsko, HGL Schwefel, G Leuchs
Journal of Optics 18 (12), 123002, 2016
368 2016 Low Threshold Optical Oscillations in a Whispering Gallery Mode Resonator AA Savchenkov, AB Matsko, D Strekalov, M Mohageg, VS Ilchenko, ...
Physical review letters 93 (24), 243905, 2004
352 2004 Whispering-gallery-mode-resonator-based ultranarrow linewidth external-cavity semiconductor laser W Liang, VS Ilchenko, AA Savchenkov, AB Matsko, D Seidel, L Maleki
Optics letters 35 (16), 2822-2824, 2010
322 2010 Kilohertz optical resonances in dielectric crystal cavities AA Savchenkov, VS Ilchenko, AB Matsko, L Maleki
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 70 (5), 051804, 2004
322 2004 Mode-locked Kerr frequency combs AB Matsko, AA Savchenkov, W Liang, VS Ilchenko, D Seidel, L Maleki
Optics letters 36 (15), 2845-2847, 2011
291 2011 Tunable delay line with interacting whispering-gallery-mode resonators L Maleki, AB Matsko, AA Savchenkov, VS Ilchenko
Optics letters 29 (6), 626-628, 2004
286 2004 Whispering-gallery-mode electro-optic modulator and photonic microwave receiver VS Ilchenko, AA Savchenkov, AB Matsko, L Maleki
JOSA B 20 (2), 333-342, 2003
285 2003 Transporting and time reversing light via atomic coherence AS Zibrov, AB Matsko, O Kocharovskaya, YV Rostovtsev, GR Welch, ...
Physical review letters 88 (10), 103601, 2002
268 2002 Whispering-gallery-mode resonators as frequency references. I. Fundamental limitations AB Matsko, AA Savchenkov, N Yu, L Maleki
JOSA B 24 (6), 1324-1335, 2007
255 2007 Slow, ultraslow, stored, and frozen light AB Matsko, Y Rostovtsev, GR Welch, AS Zibrov, MO Scully
Advances in atomic, molecular, and optical physics 46, 191-242, 2001
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