Praxedes Munoz Parra
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Benthic processes on the Peru margin: a transect across the oxygen minimum zone during the 1997–98 El Nino
L Levin, D Gutiérrez, A Rathburn, C Neira, J Sellanes, P Munoz, ...
Progress in Oceanography 53 (1), 1-27, 2002
Recent sedimentation and mass accumulation rates based on 210Pb along the Peru–Chile continental margin
P Muñoz, CB Lange, D Gutièrrez, D Hebbeln, MA Salamanca, L Dezileau, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 51 (20-21), 2523-2541, 2004
Extreme ENSO-driven torrential rainfalls at the southern edge of the Atacama Desert during the Late Holocene and their projection into the 21th century
C Ortega, G Vargas, M Rojas, JA Rutllant, P Muñoz, CB Lange, S Pantoja, ...
Global and planetary change 175, 226-237, 2019
Bioturbation by symbiont-bearing annelids in near-anoxic sediments: implications for biofacies models and paleo-oxygen assessments
LA Levin, AE Rathburn, D Gutiérrez, P Muñoz, A Shankle
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 199 (1-2), 129-140, 2003
Fluctuations in export productivity over the last century from sediments of a southern Chilean fjord (44 S)
J Sepúlveda, S Pantoja, K Hughen, C Lange, F Gonzalez, P Muñoz, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 65 (3), 587-600, 2005
Fish scales in sediments from off Callao, central Peru
JA Díaz-Ochoa, CB Lange, S Pantoja, GJ De Lange, D Gutiérrez, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 56 (16), 1124-1135, 2009
The common language of speech perception and action: a neurocognitive perspective
JL Schwartz, M Sato, L Fadiga
Revue française de linguistique appliquée, 9-22, 2008
Environmental evidence of fossil fuel pollution in Laguna Chica de San Pedro lake sediments (Central Chile)
L Chirinos, NL Rose, R Urrutia, P Munoz, F Torrejón, L Torres, F Cruces, ...
Environmental Pollution 141 (2), 247-256, 2006
Sea ice dynamics in the Bransfield Strait, Antarctic Peninsula, during the past 240 years: a multi-proxy intercomparison study
ME Vorrath, J Müller, L Rebolledo, P Cárdenas, X Shi, O Esper, T Opel, ...
Climate of the Past 16 (6), 2459-2483, 2020
Mass die-off of the cold-water coral Desmophyllum dianthus in the Chilean Patagonian fjord region
G Försterra, V Häussermann, J Laudien, C Jantzen, J Sellanes, P Muñoz
Bulletin of Marine Science 90 (3), 895-899, 2014
20 th century fluctuations in the abundance of siliceous microorganisms preserved in the sediments of the Puyuhuapi Channel (44° S), Chile
L Rebolledo, CB LANGE, D Figueroa, S Pantoja, P MUÑOZ, R Castro
Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 78 (3), 469-488, 2005
Oxygenation variability in Mejillones Bay, off northern Chile, during the last two centuries
JA Díaz-Ochoa, S Pantoja, GJ De Lange, CB Lange, GE Sánchez, ...
Biogeosciences 8 (1), 137-146, 2011
Siliceous microorganisms in the upwelling center off Concepción, Chile (36° S): Preservation in surface sediments and downcore fluctuations during the past∼ 150 years
GE Sánchez, CB Lange, HE González, G Vargas, P Muñoz, C Cisternas, ...
Progress in Oceanography 92, 50-65, 2012
Siliceous productivity changes in Gulf of Ancud sediments (42° S, 72° W), southern Chile, over the last∼ 150 years
L Rebolledo, HE Gonzalez, P Munoz, JL Iriarte, CB Lange, S Pantoja, ...
Continental Shelf Research 31 (3-4), 356-365, 2011
Benthic food web structure in the Comau fjord, Chile (∼ 42° S): Preliminary assessment including a site with chemosynthetic activity
G Zapata-Hernández, J Sellanes, C Mayr, P Muñoz
Progress in Oceanography 129, 149-158, 2014
Temporal variability of 210Pb fluxes and bioturbation in shelf sediments beneath the high primary production area off Concepción, central-southern Chile (36 S)
P Munoz, J Sellanes, C Lange, M Palma, MA Salamanca
Progress in Oceanography 75 (3), 586-602, 2007
Understanding the impact of climate change on the oceanic circulation in the Chilean island ecoregions
B Dewitte, C Conejero, M Ramos, L Bravo, V Garçon, C Parada, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31 (2), 232-252, 2021
Reproductive patterns in demersal crustaceans from the upper boundary of the OMZ off north-central Chile
M de los Ángeles Gallardo, AEG López, M Ramos, A Mujica, P Muñoz, ...
Continental Shelf Research 141, 26-37, 2017
Microbial life in a fjord: metagenomic analysis of a microbial mat in Chilean Patagonia
JA Ugalde, MJ Gallardo, C Belmar, P Muñoz, N Ruiz-Tagle, ...
PLoS One 8 (8), e71952, 2013
First Deployment and Validation of in Situ Silicate Electrochemical Sensor in Seawater
C Barus, D Chen Legrand, N Striebig, B Jugeau, A David, M Valladares, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 60, 2018
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