Large deviations for the total queue size in non-Markovian tandem queues A Buijsrogge, PT de Boer, K Rosen, W Scheinhardt
Queueing Systems 85, 305-312, 2017
16 2017 Importance sampling for Markovian tandem queues using subsolutions: exploring the possibilities A Buijsrogge, PT de Boer, WRW Scheinhardt
Simulation 97 (12), 849-866, 2021
4 2021 On state-independent importance sampling for the GI|GI|1 tandem queue A Buijsrogge, PT De Boer, WRW Scheinhardt
Probability in the engineering and informational sciences 34 (1), 131-156, 2020
3 2020 Importance sampling for non-Markovian tandem queues using subsolutions A Buijsrogge, PT de Boer, WRW Scheinhardt
Queueing systems 93 (1-2), 31-65, 2019
3 2019 Splitting algorithms for rare event simulation over long time intervals A Buijsrogge, P Dupuis, M Snarski
The Annals of Applied Probability 30 (6), 2963-2998, 2020
2 2020 A note on a state-independent change of measure for the tandem queue A Buijsrogge, PT de Boer, WRW Scheinhardt
Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Twente, 2015
2 2015 Rare event simulation for non-Markovian tandem queues A Buijsrogge
1 2019 Advertising in google search A Buijsrogge, A Dijkstra, L Frankena, I Tensen
Enschede Netherlands: University Of Twente, 2012
1 2012 Splitting for a non-Markovian tandem queue A Buijsrogge, PT de Boer, WRW Scheinhardt
13th International Workshop on Rare-Event Simulation, RESIM 2021, 2021
2021 Analysis of a state-independent change of measure for the tandem queue A Buijsrogge, PT de Boer, W Scheinhardt
11th International Workshop on Rare Event Simulation, RESIM 2016, 1-3, 2016
2016 Optimization of the BUbiNG web crawler A Buijsrogge
University of Twente, 2014