Fabrication of complex structures of holey fibers in chalcogenide glass L Brilland, F Smektala, G Renversez, T Chartier, J Troles, T Nguyen, ...
Optics Express 14 (3), 1280-1285, 2006
212 2006 Linear and nonlinear characterizations of chalcogenide photonic crystal fibers J Fatome, C Fortier, TN Nguyen, T Chartier, F Smektala, K Messaad, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 27 (11), 1707-1715, 2009
110 2009 Mid-IR supercontinuum generation in an integrated liquid-core optical fiber filled with CS< sub> 2</sub> D Churin, TN Nguyen, KQ Kieu, RA Norwood, N Peyghambarian
Laser Science, JTu3A. 20, 2014
89 * 2014 Mid-IR supercontinuum generation in an integrated liquid-core optical fiber filled with CS2 D Churin, TN Nguyen, K Kieu, RA Norwood, N Peyghambarian
Optical Materials Express 3 (9), 1358-1364, 2013
89 2013 Mid-IR supercontinuum generation in an integrated liquid-core optical fiber filled with CS 2 D Churin, TN Nguyen, K Kieu, RA Norwood, N Peyghambarian
Optical Materials Express 3 (9), 1358-1364, 2013
89 2013 Modal decomposition technique for multimode fibers DM Nguyen, S Blin, TN Nguyen, SD Le, L Provino, M Thual, T Chartier
Applied Optics 51 (4), 450-456, 2012
80 2012 Fourth-order cascaded Raman shift in AsSe chalcogenide suspended-core fiber pumped at 2 μm M Duhant, W Renard, G Canat, TN Nguyen, F Smektala, J Troles, ...
Optics letters 36 (15), 2859-2861, 2011
71 2011 Advanced Solid State Photonics, 98 OSA proceedings Advanced Solid State Photonics, 98 OSA proceedings, 864-868, 2005 L Brilland, J Troles, P Houizot, F DESEVEDAVY, Q COULOMBIER, ...
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 116 (1358), 1024-1027, 2008
65 * 2008 Interfaces impact on the transmission of chalcogenides photonic crystal fibres L Brilland, J Troles, P Houizot, F Desevedavy, Q Coulombier, ...
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn 116 (1358), 1024-1027, 2008
65 2008 Interfaces impact on the transmission of chalcogenides photonic crystal fibres (< Feature> Glass and Ceramic Materials for Photonics) L Brilland, J Troles, P Houizot, F DESEVEDAVY, Q COULOMBIER, ...
Opt. Express 13, 2439-2443, 2005
65 * 2005 Noise reduction in 2R-regeneration technique utilizing self-phase modulation and filtering T Nguyen, M Gay, L Bramerie, T Chartier, JC Simon, M Joindot
Optics express 14 (5), 1737-1747, 2006
57 2006 High Power Soliton Self-Frequency Shift With Improved Flatness Ranging From 1.6 to 1.78 TN Nguyen, K Kieu, D Churin, T Ota, M Miyawaki, N Peyghambarian
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 25 (19), 1893-1896, 2013
49 2013 Chalcogenide microstructured fibers for infrared systems, elaboration modelization, and characterization J Troles, L Brilland, F Smektala, P Houizot, F Désévédavy, Q Coulombier, ...
Fiber and integrated optics 28 (1), 11-26, 2009
36 2009 Numerical study of an optical regenerator exploiting self-phase modulation and spectral offset filtering at 40Gbit/s C Finot, TN Nguyen, J Fatome, T Chartier, S Pitois, L Bramerie, M Gay, ...
Optics Communications 281 (8), 2252-2264, 2008
35 2008 Normal dispersion femtosecond fiber optical parametric oscillator TN Nguyen, K Kieu, AV Maslov, M Miyawaki, N Peyghambarian
Optics Letters 38 (18), 3616-3619, 2013
32 2013 Fabrication of low losses chalcogenide photonic crystal fibers by molding process Q Coulombier, L Brilland, P Houizot, TN Nguyen, T Chartier, G Renversez, ...
Optical Components and Materials VII 7598, 75980O, 2010
26 2010 100-Gb/s Wavelength Division Demultiplexing Using a Photonic Crystal Four-Channel Drop Filter TN Nguyen, M Gay, K Lenglé, L Bramerie, M Thual, JC Simon, S Malaguti, ...
Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 25 (9), 813-816, 2013
24 2013 Bit-error-rate assessment of 170-Gb/s regeneration using a saturable absorber and a nonlinear-fiber-based power limiter M Gay, M Costa e Silva, TN Nguyen, L Bramerie, T Chartier, M Joindot, ...
Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 22 (3), 158-160, 2010
21 2010 Recent advances in very highly nonlinear chalcogenide photonic crystal fibers and their applications D Méchin, L Brilland, J Troles, Q Coulombier, P Houizot, A Monteville, ...
Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series, 2010 IEEE, 117-118, 2010
18 2010 Modulation contrast optimization for wavelength conversion of a 20 Gbit/s data signal in hybrid InP/SOI photonic crystal nanocavity K Lenglé, TN Nguyen, M Gay, L Bramerie, JC Simon, A Bazin, F Raineri, ...
Optics letters 39 (8), 2298-2301, 2014
17 2014