Nur Hidayah
Nur Hidayah
Professor of Guidance and Counseling, State University of Malang
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Perilaku phubbing sebagai karakter remaja generasi Z
IE Youarti, N Hidayah
Jurnal Fokus Konseling 4 (1), 143-152, 2018
Landasan sosial budaya dan psikologis pendidikan
N Hidayah, A Atmoko
Penerbit Gunung Samudera [Grup Penerbit PT Book Mart Indonesia], 2014
Pengaruh dukungan sosial terhadap kesejahteraan psikologis mahasiswa dengan religiusitas sebagai moderator
N Eva, P Shanti, N Hidayah, M Bisri
Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan Dan Konseling 5 (3), 12, 2021
Analisis Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa SMK
NA Kurniawan, N Hidayah, DH Rahman
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, Dan Pengembangan 6 (3), 488678, 2021
The development model of semar counselling to improve the self-esteem of vocational students with psychological distress
BA Habsy, N Hidayah, BB Lasan, M Muslihati, A Fudholi
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (Online) 14 (10), 132, 2019
Students' well-being assessment at school
M Ramli, F Hanurawan, N Hidayah, M Pali
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology 5 (1), 62-71, 2016
Blended learning based on problem based learning to improve critical thinking ability of prospective counselors
E Zamroni, BB Lasan, N Hidayah
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1539 (1), 012039, 2020
Human agency as a self-cognition of human autonomous learning: A synthesized practical of agentic approach
A Alfaiz, N Hidayah, IM Hambali, C Radjah
Journal of Social Studies Education Research 10 (4), 370-391, 2019
Need of cognitive-behavior counseling model based on local wisdom to improve meaning of life of Madurese culture junior high school students
N Hidayah, M Ramli
3rd International Conference on Education and Training (ICET 2017), 301-307, 2017
The Development of Learning Tools to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Vocational High School
NW Suarniati, N Hidayah, DM Handarini
IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science 175 (1), 1-7, 2018
The effect of professional development, innovative work and work commitment on quality of teacher learning in elementary schools of Indonesia
S Asiyah, BB Wiyono, N Hidayah, A Supriyanto
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 227-246, 2021
Enhancing Students' Resilience: Comparing The Effect of Cognitive-Behavior And Strengths-Based Counseling
K Suranata, A Atmoko, N Hidayah
2nd International Conference on Innovative Research Across Disciplines …, 2017
Mengasah Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis dan Kreatif
N Hidayah
Makalah Dalam Prosiding Seminar Nasional Bimbingan Dan Konseling Di Surabaya …, 2015
Considering ChatGPT to be the first aid for young adults on mental health issues
S Aminah, N Hidayah, M Ramli
Journal of Public Health 45 (3), e615-e616, 2023
The difference between the effects of problembased learning strategy and conventional strategy on vocational school students’ critical thinking skills in civic education
NW Suarniati, IW Ardhana, N Hidayah, DM Handarini
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 18 (8 …, 2019
Teknik self-management sebagai upaya mereduksi gaya hidup hedonis siswa SMA
JZ Fahmi, M Ramli, N Hidayah
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, Dan Pengembangan 4 (10), 488457, 2019
Improved neural network using integral-RELU based prevention activation for face detection
KC Kirana, S Wibawanto, N Hidayah, GP Cahyono, K Asfani
2019 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Information …, 2019
Adopsi nilai budaya osing dalam kerangka objektivitas meaning of life
H Hanafi, N Hidayah, AM AT
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, Dan Pengembangan 3 (9), 488521, 2018
Analysis of character values in the Indonesian nation’s motto “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” through an emancipatory hermeneutical study
FK Fitriyah, N Hidayah, M Muslihati, I Hambali
Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction 12 (1), 1-9, 2022
Urgency cognitive-behavioral counseling based on local wisdom for junior high school counselor in East Java
N Hidayah, M Ramli, H Hanafi
9th International Conference for Science Educators and Teachers (ICSET 2017 …, 2017
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