Spatially and temporally correlated MIMO channels: Modeling and capacity analysis GJ Byers, F Takawira
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 53 (3), 634-643, 2004
187 2004 Nonclassical traffic modeling and performance analysis of cellular mobile networks with and without channel reservation M Rajaratnam, F Takawira
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 49 (3), 817-834, 2000
101 2000 Performance analysis of soft handoff in CDMA cellular networks RP Narrainen, F Takawira
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 50 (6), 1507-1517, 2001
76 2001 Simple stopping criterion for turbo decoding TMN Ngatched, F Takawira
Electronics Letters 37 (22), 1, 2001
72 2001 Hand-off traffic modelling in cellular networks M Rajaratnam, F Takawira
GLOBECOM 97. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference. Conference Record 1 …, 1997
68 1997 A hybrid token-CDMA MAC protocol for wireless ad hoc networks IS Liu, F Takawira, HJ Xu
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 7 (5), 557-569, 2008
48 2008 Performance analysis of the linearly constrained constant modulus algorithm-based multiuser detector JB Whitehead, F Takawira
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53 (2), 643-653, 2005
47 2005 An improved decoding algorithm for finite-geometry LDPC codes TMN Ngatched, F Takawira, M Bossert
IEEE transactions on communications 57 (2), 302-306, 2009
38 2009 Relay selection for coded cooperative networks with outdated CSI over Nakagami-m fading channels JM Moualeu, W Hamouda, F Takawira
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 13 (5), 2362-2373, 2014
35 2014 Handoff traffic characterization in cellular networks under nonclassical arrivals and service time distributions M Rajaratnam, F Takawira
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 50 (4), 954-970, 2001
34 2001 The influence of spatial and temporal correlation on the capacity of MIMO channels GJ Byers, F Takawira
2003 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking, 2003. WCNC 2003. 1, 359-364, 2003
31 2003 EXIT charts for non-binary LDPC codes GJ Byers, F Takawira
IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2005. ICC 2005. 2005 1, 652-657, 2005
28 2005 Multi-Relay Turbo-Coded Cooperative Diversity Networks Over Nakagami- Fading Channels JM Moualeu, W Hamouda, HJ Xu, F Takawira
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 62 (9), 4458-4470, 2013
26 2013 Two bit-flipping decoding algorithms for low-density parity-check codes T Magloire, N Ngatched, M Bossert, A Fahrner, F Takawira
IEEE transactions on communications 57 (3), 591-596, 2009
26 2009 Cooperative spectrum sensing in multichannel cognitive radio networks with energy harvesting AA Olawole, F Takawira, OO Oyerinde
IEEE Access 7, 84784-84802, 2019
25 2019 Energy-efficient cooperative spectrum sensing and transmission in multi-channel cognitive radio networks JM Moualeu, TMN Ngatched, W Hamouda, F Takawira
2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 4945-4950, 2014
25 2014 Cognitive coded cooperation in underlay spectrum-sharing networks under interference power constraints JM Moualeu, W Hamouda, F Takawira
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (3), 2099-2113, 2016
23 2016 Fusion rule and cluster head selection scheme in cooperative spectrum sensing AA Olawole, F Takawira, OO Oyerinde
IET Communications 13 (6), 758-765, 2019
22 2019 Handoff schemes in CDMA cellular systems B Worley, F Takawira
Proceedings of the 1998 South African Symposium on Communications and Signal …, 1998
22 1998 Quality of service for multimedia traffic using cross-layer design T Quazi, HJ Xu, F Takawira
IET communications 3 (1), 83-90, 2009
21 2009