Asymptotic behaviour of a pile-up of infinite walls of edge dislocations MGD Geers, RHJ Peerlings, MA Peletier, L Scardia
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 209, 495-539, 2013
79 2013 Geometric rigidity for incompatible fields, and an application to strain-gradient plasticity S Müller, L Scardia, CI Zeppieri
Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 1365-1396, 2014
73 2014 Quasistatic delamination problem T Roubíček, L Scardia, C Zanini
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 21, 223-235, 2009
72 2009 Line-Tension Model for Plasticity as the -Limit of a Nonlinear Dislocation Energy L Scardia, CI Zeppieri
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 44 (4), 2372-2400, 2012
52 2012 Mechanics of dislocation pile-ups: a unification of scaling regimes L Scardia, RHJ Peerlings, MA Peletier, MGD Geers
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 70, 42-61, 2014
44 2014 The nonlinear bending–torsion theory for curved rods as -limit of three-dimensional elasticity L Scardia
Asymptotic Analysis 47 (3-4), 317-343, 2006
43 2006 Stochastic homogenisation of free-discontinuity problems F Cagnetti, G Dal Maso, L Scardia, CI Zeppieri
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 233, 935-974, 2019
39 2019 Asymptotic models for curved rods derived from nonlinear elasticity by Γ-convergence L Scardia
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics 139 (5 …, 2009
38 2009 Convergence of interaction-driven evolutions of dislocations with Wasserstein dissipation and slip-plane confinement MG Mora, MA Peletier, L Scardia
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 49 (5), 4149-4205, 2017
37 2017 Convergence of equilibria of thin elastic plates under physical growth conditions for the energy density MG Mora, L Scardia
Journal of Differential Equations 252 (1), 35-55, 2012
36 2012 Boundary layer energies for nonconvex discrete systems L Scardia, A Schlömerkemper, C Zanini
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 21 (04), 777-817, 2011
36 2011 Γ-convergence of free-discontinuity problems F Cagnetti, G Dal Maso, L Scardia, CI Zeppieri
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire 36 (4), 1035-1079, 2019
30 2019 The equilibrium measure for a nonlocal dislocation energy MG Mora, L Rondi, L Scardia
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 72 (1), 136-158, 2019
29 2019 An extension theorem in SBV and an application to the homogenization of the Mumford–Shah functional in perforated domains F Cagnetti, L Scardia
Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées 95 (4), 349-381, 2011
27 2011 Korn and Poincaré-Korn inequalities for functions with a small jump set F Cagnetti, A Chambolle, L Scardia
Mathematische Annalen 383 (3), 1179-1216, 2022
26 2022 The ellipse law: Kirchhoff meets dislocations JA Carrillo, J Mateu, MG Mora, L Rondi, L Scardia, J Verdera
Communications in Mathematical Physics 373 (2), 507-524, 2020
25 2020 The equilibrium measure for an anisotropic nonlocal energy JA Carrillo, J Mateu, MG Mora, L Rondi, L Scardia, J Verdera
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 60 (3), 109, 2021
21 2021 Convergence and non-convergence of many-particle evolutions with multiple signs A Garroni, P van Meurs, MA Peletier, L Scardia
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 235 (1), 3-49, 2020
20 2020 Damage as Γ-limit of microfractures in anti-plane linearized elasticity L Scardia
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 18 (10), 1703-1740, 2008
18 2008 Boundary-layer analysis of a pile-up of walls of edge dislocations at a lock A Garroni, P Van Meurs, MA Peletier, L Scardia
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 26 (14), 2735-2768, 2016
16 2016