Nora Lohmeyer
Nora Lohmeyer
Assistant Professor of Organizational Design and Development, Radboud University
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Spillover effects across transnational industrial relations agreements: The potential and limits of collective action in global supply chains
S Ashwin, C Oka, E Schuessler, R Alexander, N Lohmeyer
Ilr Review 73 (4), 995-1020, 2020
The problem of de-contextualization in organization and management research
G Jackson, M Helfen, R Kaplan, A Kirsch, N Lohmeyer
The production of managerial knowledge and organizational theory: New …, 2019
Rana Plaza as a threat to the fast fashion model? An analysis of institutional responses to the disaster in Germany
N Lohmeyer, E Schüßler
Eco Friendly and Fair: Fast Fashion and Consumer Behavior. Sheffield …, 2018
“We can’t compete on human rights”: Creating market-protected spaces to institutionalize the emerging logic of responsible management
ES Schuessler, N Lohmeyer, S Ashwin
Academy of Management Journal 66 (4), 1071-1101, 2023
Garment Supply Chains since Rana Plaza: Governance & Worker Outcomes. Garment Supply Chain Governance Project Final Report
E Schuessler, S Frenkel, S Ashwin, N Kabeer, N Egels-Zandén, ...
Garment Supply Chain Governance Project, 2019
Can solidarity be organized from below" in global supply chains? The case of ExChains"
N Lohmeyer, E Schüßler, M Helfen
Industrielle Beziehungen. Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und …, 2018
Instrumentalisierte Verantwortung?: Entstehung und Motive des» Business Case for CSR «im deutschen Diskurs unternehmerischer Verantwortung
N Lohmeyer
transcript Verlag, 2017
Differences in female representation in leading management and organization journals: Establishing a benchmark
C Auschra, J Bartosch, N Lohmeyer
Research Policy 51 (3), 104410, 2022
Vocabularies of motive for corporate social responsibility: The emergence of the business case in Germany, 1970–2014
N Lohmeyer, G Jackson
Business Ethics Quarterly 34 (2), 231-270, 2024
A comparative capitalism perspective on the privatization of governance: Business power, nonbusiness resistance and state enforcement in Germany, 2000–2010
R Kaplan, N Lohmeyer
Socio-Economic Review, 2020
Social Upgrading in the Bangladeshi Garment Sector Since Rana Plaza: Why Some Governance Matters More Than Others
N Lohmeyer, E Schüßler, N Kabeer
Economic and Social Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Comparative Analyses …, 2022
The Business Case as New Vocabulary of Motive: Discourse Coalitions around CSR in Germany, 1970-2014
N Lohmeyer, G Jackson
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 14169, 2018
„Vocabularies of motive “: eine inhaltsanalytische Langzeituntersuchung von Motiven unternehmerischer Verantwortung in Artikeln des Manager Magazins, 1971–2017
N Lohmeyer
Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung 70 (3), 277-308, 2018
Changing Governance System for Labour: Germany’s Garment Supply Chains
E Schüßler, N Lohmeyer
Garment Supply Chain Governance Discussion Paper Series, 2017
Gendered publication patterns in Socio-Economic Review
J Bartosch, N Lohmeyer, C Auschra, G Jackson
Socio-Economic Review 21 (3), 1273-1289, 2023
Interessenvertretung in globalen Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken–Theoretische Perspektiven und empirische Befunde
N Lohmeyer, J Sydow
Industrielle Beziehungen. Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und …, 2021
Mobilizing and organizing for transnational solidarity: The case of ExChains
N Lohmeyer, E Schußler, M Helfen
Industrielle Beziehungen/the German Journal of Industrial Relations 4, 472-496, 2018
Kritische Thesen zu Stakeholder-Dialogen
N Lohmeyer
Stakeholder-Dialoge. Zwischen fairem Interessenausgleich und Imagepflege …, 2013
Why do Firms Support Transnational Industrial Relations Arrangements? A Processual Lens
ES Schuessler, S Ashwin, C Oka, N Lohmeyer, R Alexander
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 16010, 2018
Kann Solidarität „von unten “in globalen Zuliefererketten organisiert werden? Der Fall ExChains
N Lohmeyer, E Schüßler, M Helfen
Industrielle Beziehungen/The German Journal of Industrial Relations 25 (4 …, 2018
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