دنبال کردن
Raúl Marcelo Lozada Yánez
Raúl Marcelo Lozada Yánez
Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
ایمیل تأیید شده در espoch.edu.ec
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Augmented Reality and MS-Kinect in the Learning of Basic Mathematics: KARMLS Case.
R Lozada-Yánez, N La-Serna-Palomino, F Molina-Granja
International Education Studies 12 (9), 54-69, 2019
Las redes sociales en el rendimiento académico. Colegios particulares de la ciudad de Riobamba (Ecuador)
JC Santillán-Lima, AP Molina-Recalde, FT Molina-Granja, ...
Revista Espacios 40 (8), 21-29, 2019
MS-Kinect in the development of educational games for preschoolers
RM Lozada, LR Escriba, FTM Granja
International Journal of Learning Technology 13 (4), 277-305, 2018
Model of Long-Term Preservation of Digital Documents in Institutes of Higher Education
VJ Paucar-León, F Molina-Granja, R Lozada-Yánez, JC Santillán-Lima
International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations, 257-269, 2022
The importance of the digital preservation of data and its application in universities
JS Lima, F Molina-Granja, R Lozada-Yanez, D Velasco, GA Peñafiel, ...
Knowledge Management in Organizations: 15th International Conference, KMO …, 2021
Security techniques in communications networks applied to the custody of digital evidence
JC Santillán-Lima, P Haro-Parra, W Luna-Encalada, R Lozada-Yánez, ...
The International Conference on Advances in Emerging Trends and Technologies …, 2021
Estilos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de ingeniería en tecnologías de la información de la Espoch sede Orellana
JC Santillán-Lima, DM Caichug-Rivera, F Molina-Granja, ...
Dominio de las Ciencias 7 (4), 2081-2095, 2021
Smart waste monitoring system as an initiative to develop a digital territory in Riobamba city
D Veloz-Cherrez, R Lozada-Yanez, J Rodríguez, P Mayorga, J Panchi
Information 11 (4), 231, 2020
Model for Augmented Reality Applications with Gestural Interface for Children (MARAGIC)
R Lozada-Yánez, N La-Serna-Palomino, F Molina-Granja, ...
Journal of Positive School Psychology, 10311–10330-10311–10330, 2022
Machine Learning and Data Networks: Perspectives, Feasibility, and Opportunities
R Lozada-Yánez, F Molina-Granja, P Lozada-Yánez, J Guaiña-Yungan
Trends and Innovations in Information Systems and Technologies: Volume 2 8 …, 2020
Requerimientos y diseño de infraestructura de redes para campus universitarios
JC Santillán Lima, FT Molina Granja, MF Vásconez Barrera, ...
CIDEPRO Editorial, 2018
Learning By Doing Through Steam Methodology And The Use Of Educational Software
P Santillán-Aguirre, M Duque-Vaca, R Lozada-Yánez, F Molina-Granja
Journal of Positive School Psychology 6 (8), 10518-10528, 2022
Routing protocols in vehicular ad-hoc networks: a performance evaluation
R Lozada-Yánez, W Luna-Encalada, D Tierra-Quispillo, F Molina-Granja, ...
International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations, 477-488, 2019
PREDECI model: an implementation guide
F Molina-Granja, GD Rodríguez Rafael, W Luna, R Lozada-Yanez, ...
Intelligent Computing: Proceedings of the 2018 Computing Conference, Volume …, 2019
La enseñanza virtual de la matemática en el primer año de BGU de los colegios fiscales de la parroquia Lizarzaburu de la ciudad de Riobamba en el período 2013
RM Lozada Yánez
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ambato, 2015
Azure-Kinect and Augmented Reality for learning Basic Mathematics-A case study
R Lozada-Yánez, NLS Palomino, D Veloz-Chérrez, F Molina-Granja, ...
Preprints, 2020
Statistical determination of COVID-19 mortality in age groups in the Ecuadorian Highlands
JC Santillán Lima, F Molina Granja, P Santillán Lima, DM Caichug Rivera, ...
European Alliance for Innovation, 2023
Design of Social Distance Monitoring Approach Using Wearable Smart Tags in 5G IoT Environment During Pandemic Conditions
F Molina-Granja, R Lozada-Yánez, FJ Santacruz-Sulca, MPL Ramos, ...
IOT with Smart Systems: Proceedings of ICTIS 2022, Volume 2, 731-740, 2022
Diagnostic previous to the design of a network of medium-sized university campuses: an improvement to the methodology of Santillán-Lima
JC Santillán-Lima, F Molina-Granja, W Luna-Encalada, R Lozada-Yánez
The International Conference on Advances in Emerging Trends and Technologies …, 2021
Influencia de un Sistema de Alerta Temprana ante Erupciones Volcánicas y Sismos compatible con el estándar ISDB-Tb en la disminución de daños en la provincia de Tungurahua.
DJ Barba Chérrez
Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2018
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20