دنبال کردن
Riguel Feltrin Contente
Riguel Feltrin Contente
ایمیل تأیید شده در ifpa.edu.br
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Feeding ecology of the Brazilian silverside Atherinella brasiliensis (Atherinopsidae) in a sub-tropical estuarine ecosystem
RF Contente, MF Stefanoni, HL Spach
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 91 (6 …, 2011
Fish assemblage structure in an estuary of the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot (southern Brazil)
RF Contente, MF Stefanoni, HL Spach
Ichthyological Research 58, 38-50, 2011
Fishes of Paranaguá estuarine complex, south west Atlantic
AC Passos, RF Contente, CCV Araujo, FALM Daros, HL Spach, V Abilhôa, ...
Biota Neotropica 12, 226-238, 2012
Analysis of fish assemblages in sectors along a salinity gradient based on species, families and functional groups
AC Passos, RF Contente, FV Abbatepaulo, HL Spach, CC Vilar, ...
Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 61, 251-264, 2013
Size‐related shifts in dietary composition of Centropomus parallelus (Perciformes: Centropomidae) in an estuarine ecosystem of the southeastern coast of Brazil
R Feltrin Contente, M Freitas Stefanoni, OBF Gadig
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 25 (3), 335-342, 2009
Feeding ecology of the American freshwater goby Ctenogobius shufeldti (Gobiidae, Perciformes) in a sub‐tropical estuary
RF Contente, MF Stefanoni, HL Spach
Journal of Fish Biology 80 (6), 2357-2373, 2012
Ecosystem modeling as a framework to convert a multi-disciplinary research approach into a useful model for the Araçá Bay (Brazil)
R Angelini, RF Contente, CLDB Rossi-Wongtschowski, LSH Soares, ...
Ocean & Coastal Management 164, 92-103, 2018
Ichthyofauna of the inner shelf of Paraná, Brazil: checklist, geographic distribution, economic importance and conservation status
D Spier, HLN Gerum, H Bornatowski, R Contente, NAS Mattos, CC Vilar, ...
Biota Neotropica 18 (2), e20170385, 2018
Checklist of the fish fauna of the Araçá Bay, São Sebastião Channel, northern coast of São Paulo, Brazil
RA Lamas, CLDB Rossi-Wongtschowski, RF Contente
Check List 12 (6), 2004-2004, 2016
The Valo Grande channel in the Cananéia-Iguape estuary-lagoon complex (SP, Brazil): Environmental history, ecology, and future perspectives
HM Prado, MN Schlindwein, RSS Murrieta, DRD Nascimento, EP Souza, ...
Ambiente & Sociedade 22, e01822, 2019
Occurrence of the non-indigenous Omobranchus punctatus (Blenniidae) on the São Paulo coast, South-Eastern Brazil
RF Contente, MR Brenha-Nunes, CC Siliprandi, RA Lamas, ...
Marine Biodiversity Records 8, e73, 2015
Padrões ecológicos locais e multidecadais da ictiofauna do estuário Cananéia-Iguape
RF Contente
Masther Thesis, Universidade de São Paulo, 2013
A new record of the non-native fish species Butis koilomatodon (Bleeker 1849)(Teleostei Eleotridae) for southeastern Brazil
RF Contente, MRB Nunes, CC Siliprandi, RA Lamas, VRM Conversani
Biotemas 29 (2), 113-118, 2016
Size-related changes in diet of the slipper sole Trinectes paulistanus (Actinopterygii, Achiridae) juveniles in a subtropical Brazilian estuary
RF Contente, MF Stefanoni, HL Spach
Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences 4 (1), 63-69, 2009
O Canal do Valo Grande no Complexo Estuarino Cananéia-Iguape (SP, Brasil): história ambiental, ecologia e perspectivas futuras
HM Prado, MN Schlindwein, RSS Murrieta, DR Nascimento Júnior, ...
Ambiente & Sociedade 22, e01822, 2019
Diet of the Atlantic rainforest killifish Rivulus santensis (Rivulidae, Cyprinodontiformes) in southeastern Brazil
R Contente, M Stefanoni
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26 (6), 930-932, 2010
Partiçăo inter-especifica e efeitos sazonais, espaciais e ontogeneticos no uso de recursos troficos por seis teleostei em um sistema estuarino sub-tropical
RF Contente
Improving the characterization of fish assemblage structure through the use of multiple sampling methods: a case study in a subtropical tidal flat ecosystem
RF Contente, CL Del Bianco Rossi-Wongtschowski
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 189, 1-17, 2017
Surf-zone fish assemblage structure and its diel variability in an ocean beach of Espírito Santo (Central Brazilian coast)
RF Contente, C Marion, JV Silva, M Soeth, MVL Condini, ...
Latin american journal of aquatic research 51 (1), 133-144, 2023
Complementarity among otter trawl, cast net, and encircling gill net improves the characterization of a subtropical subtidal fish assemblage
RF Contente, CLB Rossi‐Wongtschowski
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 35 (6), 1189-1196, 2019
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مقاله‌ها 1–20