دنبال کردن
Maria Rosaria Di Nucci
Maria Rosaria Di Nucci
Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin
ایمیل تأیید شده در zedat.fu-berlin.de
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Community acceptance of wind energy developments: Experience from wind energy scarce regions in Europe
MD Leiren, S Aakre, K Linnerud, TE Julsrud, MR Di Nucci, M Krug
Sustainability 12 (5), 1754, 2020
Nuclear waste governance: An international comparison
A Brunnengräber, MR Di Nucci, AMI Losada, L Mez, MA Schreurs
Springer, 2015
Identifying and prioritizing barriers to implementation of smart energy city projects in Europe: an empirical approach.
F Mosannenzadeh, MR Di Nucci, D Vettorato
Energy Policy, 191–201., 2017
Mainstreaming community energy: is the renewable energy directive a driver for renewable energy communities in Germany and Italy?
M Krug, MR Di Nucci, M Caldera, E De Luca
Sustainability 14 (12), 7181, 2022
In whose backyard? The wicked problem of siting nuclear waste repositories
MR Di Nucci, A Brunnengräber
European Policy Analysis 3 (2), 295-323, 2017
From the “right to know” to the “right to object” and “decide”. A comparative perspective on participation in siting procedures for high level radioactive waste repositories
MR Di Nucci, A Brunnengräber, AMI Losada
Progress in Nuclear Energy 100, 316-325, 2017
Overcoming barriers to the community acceptance of wind energy: Lessons learnt from a comparative analysis of best practice cases across Europe
P Maleki-Dizaji, N Del Bufalo, MR Di Nucci, M Krug
Sustainability 12 (9), 3562, 2020
NIMBY oder IMBY: Akzeptanz, Freiwilligkeit und Kompensationen in der Standortsuche für die Endlagerung radioaktiver Abfälle
MR Di Nucci
Brunnengräber, Achim (Hrsg.) (2016): Problemfalle Endlager …, 2016
Nukleare Entsorgung: Ein „wicked “und höchst konfliktbehaftetes Gesellschaftsproblem
A Brunnengräber, L Mez, M Nucci, M Schreurs
TATuP-Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis 21 (3 …, 2012
Can renewable energy communities enable a just energy transition? Exploring alignment between stakeholder motivations and needs and EU policy in Latvia, Norway, Portugal and Spain
K Standal, MD Leiren, I Alonso, I Azevedo, I Kudrenickis, P Maleki-Dizaji, ...
Energy Research & Social Science 106, 103326, 2023
Europe’s electricity regime: restoration or thorough transition
DT Aviel Verbruggen, Rosaria Di Nucci, Manfred Fischedick, Reinhard Haas ...
International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 5, 57-68, 2015
Im Hürdenlauf zur Energiewende
A Brunnengräber, MR Di Nucci
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2014
Explaining factors leading to community acceptance of wind energy. Results of an expert assessment
E De Luca, C Nardi, LG Giuffrida, M Krug, MR Di Nucci
Energies 13 (8), 2119, 2020
Citizens at the heart of the energy transition in Europe?
M Krug, MR Di Nucci
Renewable Energy Law Policy Review 2020, 9, 9–27. 9, 9-27, 2020
Renewable energies in the EU Member States in comparison
D Reiche, M Bechberger
Handbook of the Renewable Energies in the European Union, Frankfurt am Main, 2002
Challenges of Nuclear Waste Governance
A Brunnengräber, MR Di Nucci, AMI Losada, L Mez, MA Schreurs
An international comparison 2, 2018
Nuclear Waste Governance–ein wicked problem der Energiewende
A Brunnengräber, MR Di Nucci, AM Isidoro Losada, D Häfner
Im Hürdenlauf zur Energiewende, 389-399, 2014
Does polycentrism deliver? A case study of energy community governance in Europe
K Anfinson, E Laes, G Bombaerts, K Standal, M Krug, MR Di Nucci, ...
Energy Research & Social Science 100, 103093, 2023
Alles falsch gemacht? Machtasymmetrien in der Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung bei der Standortsuche für ein Endlager
D Themann, MR Di Nucci, A Brunnengräber, FU Berlin
Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen 34 (1), 1-10, 2021
The Italian energy transition in a multilevel system: between reinforcing dynamics and institutional constraints
MR Di Nucci, A Prontera
Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 33 (2), 181-204, 2023
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20