دنبال کردن
Natalie J. Oram
Natalie J. Oram
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam
ایمیل تأیید شده در uva.nl - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Persistence of dissolved organic matter explained by molecular changes during its passage through soil
VN Roth, M Lange, C Simon, N Hertkorn, S Bucher, T Goodall, RI Griffiths, ...
Nature Geoscience 12 (9), 755-761, 2019
Biochar application rate affects biological nitrogen fixation in red clover conditional on potassium availability
S Mia, JW Van Groenigen, TFJ Van de Voorde, NJ Oram, TM Bezemer, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 191, 83-91, 2014
Soil amendment with biochar increases the competitive ability of legumes via increased potassium availability
NJ Oram, TFJ van de Voorde, GJ Ouwehand, TM Bezemer, L Mommer, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 191, 92-98, 2014
Below‐ground complementarity effects in a grassland biodiversity experiment are related to deep‐rooting species
NJ Oram, JM Ravenek, KE Barry, A Weigelt, H Chen, A Gessler, ...
Journal of Ecology 106 (1), 265-277, 2018
Plant diversity enhances production and downward transport of biodegradable dissolved organic matter
M Lange, VN Roth, N Eisenhauer, C Roscher, T Dittmar, ...
Journal of Ecology 109 (3), 1284-1297, 2021
Persistence of dissolved organic matter explained by molecular changes during its passage through soil. Nat Geosci 12: 755–761
VN Roth, M Lange, C Simon, N Hertkorn, S Bucher, T Goodall, RI Griffiths, ...
Manipulating plant community composition to steer efficient N‐cycling in intensively managed grasslands
D Abalos, GB De Deyn, L Philippot, NJ Oram, B Oudová, I Pantelis, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 58 (1), 167-180, 2021
Root chemistry and soil fauna, but not soil abiotic conditions explain the effects of plant diversity on root decomposition
H Chen, NJ Oram, KE Barry, L Mommer, J van Ruijven, H de Kroon, ...
Oecologia 185, 499-511, 2017
Above-and belowground overyielding are related at the community and species level in a grassland biodiversity experiment
KE Barry, A Weigelt, J van Ruijven, H de Kroon, A Ebeling, N Eisenhauer, ...
Advances in Ecological Research 61, 55-89, 2019
Plant community flood resilience in intensively managed grasslands and the role of the plant economic spectrum
NJ Oram, GB De Deyn, PLE Bodelier, JHC Cornelissen, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (8), 1524-1534, 2020
Drought intensity alters productivity, carbon allocation and plant nitrogen uptake in fast versus slow grassland communities
NJ Oram, J Ingrisch, RD Bardgett, F Brennan, G Dittmann, G Gleixner, ...
Journal of Ecology 111 (8), 1681-1699, 2023
Can flooding-induced greenhouse gas emissions be mitigated by trait-based plant species choice?
NJ Oram, JW van Groenigen, PLE Bodelier, K Brenzinger, ...
Science of the Total Environment 727, 138476, 2020
Plant traits of grass and legume species for flood resilience and N2O mitigation
NJ Oram, Y Sun, D Abalos, JW van Groenigen, S Hartley, GB De Deyn
Functional Ecology 35 (10), 2205-2218, 2021
Design principles for multi‐species productive grasslands: Quantifying effects of diversity beyond richness
JA Finn, M Suter, R Vishwakarma, NJ Oram, A Lüscher, C Brophy
Journal of Ecology 112 (11), 2471-2479, 2024
Teaching and learning communication process as community-based transdisciplinary inquiry
HH Odame, N Oram
Glocal Times, 2012
Plant community composition and traits modulate the impacts of drought intensity on soil microbial community composition and function
NJ Oram, F Brennan, N Praeg, RD Bardgett, P Illmer, J Ingrisch, M Bahn
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 200, 109644, 2025
Data from: Below-ground complementarity effects in a grassland biodiversity experiment are related to deeprooting species
NJ Oram, JM Ravenek, K Barry, A Weigelt, H Chen, A Gessler, L Mommer
Dryad Digital Repository, 2017
Drought intensity shapes legacy effects on grassland plant and soil microbial communities and their response to a subsequent drought
NJ Oram, N Praeg, RD Bardgett, F Brennan, T Caruso, P Illmer, J Ingrisch, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 15868, 2024
Drought intensity effects on grassland plant communities and soil microbial community function
N Oram, J Ingrisch, G Gleixner, N Praeg, P Illmer, F Brennan, R Bardgett, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-8870, 2021
Root chemistry and soil fauna, but not soil abiotic conditions explain the effects of plant diversity on root decomposition.
CHM Chen HongMei, NJ Oram, KE Barry, L Mommer, J Ruijven, H Kroon, ...
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20