دنبال کردن
James H. Stein
James H. Stein
Professor of Medicine, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
ایمیل تأیید شده در medicine.wisc.edu - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Use of carotid ultrasound to identify subclinical vascular disease and evaluate cardiovascular disease risk: a consensus statement from the American Society of Echocardiography …
JH Stein, CE Korcarz, RT Hurst, E Lonn, CB Kendall, ER Mohler, ...
Journal of the American Society of echocardiography 21 (2), 93-111, 2008
AHA/ACCF secondary prevention and risk reduction therapy for patients with coronary and other atherosclerotic vascular disease: 2011 update: a guideline from the American Heart …
SC Smith, EJ Benjamin, RO Bonow, LT Braun, MA Creager, BA Franklin, ...
Journal of the American college of cardiology 58 (23), 2432-2446, 2011
Class of antiretroviral drugs and the risk of myocardial infarction
DAD Study Group
New England Journal of Medicine 356 (17), 1723-1735, 2007
ACCF/AHA 2007 clinical expert consensus document on coronary artery calcium scoring by computed tomography in global cardiovascular risk assessment and in evaluation of …
P Greenland, RO Bonow, BH Brundage, MJ Budoff, MJ Eisenberg, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 49 (3), 378-402, 2007
ACCF/ACG/AHA 2008 expert consensus document on reducing the gastrointestinal risks of antiplatelet therapy and NSAID use: a report of the American College of Cardiology …
Writing Committee Members, DL Bhatt, J Scheiman, NS Abraham, ...
Circulation 118 (18), 1894-1909, 2008
Lipoprotein management in patients with cardiometabolic risk: consensus conference report from the American Diabetes Association and the American College of Cardiology Foundation
JD Brunzell, M Davidson, CD Furberg, RB Goldberg, BV Howard, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 51 (15), 1512-1524, 2008
ACCF/ACR/AHA/NASCI/SCMR 2010 expert consensus document on cardiovascular magnetic resonance: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation Task Force on Expert …
WG Hundley, DA Bluemke, JP Finn, SD Flamm, MA Fogel, MG Friedrich, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 55 (23), 2614-2662, 2010
American Society of Echocardiography recommendations for use of echocardiography in clinical trials: a report from the american society of echocardiography's guidelines and …
JS Gottdiener, J Bednarz, R Devereux, J Gardin, A Klein, WJ Manning, ...
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography 17 (10), 1086-1119, 2004
Purple grape juice improves endothelial function and reduces the susceptibility of LDL cholesterol to oxidation in patients with coronary artery disease
JH Stein, JG Keevil, DA Wiebe, S Aeschlimann, JD Folts
Circulation 100 (10), 1050-1055, 1999
Guidelines for the evaluation and management of dyslipidemia in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected adults receiving antiretroviral therapy: recommendations of the HIV …
MP Dubé, JH Stein, JA Aberg, CJ Fichtenbaum, JG Gerber, KT Tashima, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 37 (5), 613-627, 2003
Use of human immunodeficiency virus-1 protease inhibitors is associated with atherogenic lipoprotein changes and endothelial dysfunction
JH Stein, MA Klein, JL Bellehumeur, PE McBride, DA Wiebe, JD Otvos, ...
Circulation 104 (3), 257-262, 2001
Treadmill exercise and resistance training in patients with peripheral arterial disease with and without intermittent claudication: a randomized controlled trial
MM McDermott, P Ades, JM Guralnik, A Dyer, L Ferrucci, K Liu, M Nelson, ...
Jama 301 (2), 165-174, 2009
ACCF 2012 expert consensus document on practical clinical considerations in the interpretation of troponin elevations: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation …
LK Newby, RL Jesse, JD Babb, RH Christenson, TM De Fer, GA Diamond, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 60 (23), 2427-2463, 2012
Association between air pollution and coronary artery calcification within six metropolitan areas in the USA (the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis and Air Pollution): a …
JD Kaufman, SD Adar, RG Barr, M Budoff, GL Burke, CL Curl, ...
The Lancet 388 (10045), 696-704, 2016
Writing Group Members; American Heart Association Statistics Committee; Stroke Statistics Subcommittee
D Mozaffarian, EJ Benjamin, AS Go, DK Arnett, MJ Blaha, M Cushman, ...
Heart disease and stroke statistics-2016 update: a report from the American …, 2016
ACCF/SCAI/SVMB/SIR/ASITN 2007 clinical expert consensus document on carotid stenting: a report of the American College of Cardiology foundation task force on clinical expert …
American Society of Interventional & Therapeutic Neuroradiology, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 49 (1), 126-170, 2007
GlycA: a composite nuclear magnetic resonance biomarker of systemic inflammation
JD Otvos, I Shalaurova, J Wolak-Dinsmore, MA Connelly, RH Mackey, ...
Clinical chemistry 61 (5), 714-723, 2015
Endothelial function in human immunodeficiency virus-infected antiretroviral-naive subjects before and after starting potent antiretroviral therapy: The ACTG (AIDS Clinical …
FJ Torriani, L Komarow, RA Parker, BR Cotter, JS Currier, MP Dubé, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 52 (7), 569-576, 2008
Outcomes in 45 patients with statin-associated myopathy
KE Hansen, JP Hildebrand, EE Ferguson, JH Stein
Archives of internal medicine 165 (22), 2671-2676, 2005
Effects of smoking and smoking cessation on lipids and lipoproteins: outcomes from a randomized clinical trial
AD Gepner, ME Piper, HM Johnson, MC Fiore, TB Baker, JH Stein
American heart journal 161 (1), 145-151, 2011
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20