دنبال کردن
Teppo Järvinen
Teppo Järvinen
ایمیل تأیید شده در helsinki.fi
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Prevention of falls and consequent injuries in elderly people
P Kannus, H Sievänen, M Palvanen, T Järvinen, J Parkkari
The Lancet 366 (9500), 1885-1893, 2005
Muscle injuries: biology and treatment
TAH Järvinen, TLN Järvinen, M Kääriäinen, H Kalimo, M Järvinen
The American journal of sports medicine 33 (5), 745-764, 2005
Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy versus sham surgery for a degenerative meniscal tear
R Sihvonen, M Paavola, A Malmivaara, A Itälä, A Joukainen, H Nurmi, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 369 (26), 2515-2524, 2013
Effect of a vibration exposure on muscular performance and body balance. Randomized cross‐over study
S Torvinen, P Kannus, H SievaÈnen, TAH JaÈrvinen, M Pasanen, ...
Clinical physiology and functional imaging 22 (2), 145-152, 2002
Effect of four-month vertical whole body vibration on performance and balance
S Torvinen, P Kannus, H Sievänen, TAH Järvinen, M Pasanen, ...
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 34 (9), 1523-1528, 2002
The fixation strength of six hamstring tendon graft fixation devices in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: part I: femoral site
P Kousa, TLN Järvinen, M Vihavainen, P Kannus, M Järvinen
The American journal of sports medicine 31 (2), 174-181, 2003
Muscle injuries: optimising recovery
TAH Järvinen, TLN Järvinen, M Kääriäinen, V Äärimaa, S Vaittinen, ...
Best practice & research Clinical rheumatology 21 (2), 317-331, 2007
Shifting the focus in fracture prevention from osteoporosis to falls
TLN Järvinen, H Sievänen, KM Khan, A Heinonen, P Kannus
Bmj 336 (7636), 124-126, 2008
Effect of 8‐month vertical whole body vibration on bone, muscle performance, and body balance: a randomized controlled study
S Torvinen, P Kannus, H Sievänen, TAH Järvinen, M Pasanen, ...
Journal of bone and mineral research 18 (5), 876-884, 2003
Histopathological findings in chronic tendon disorders
M Järvinen, L Jozsa, P Kannus, TLN Järvinen, M Kvist, W Leadbetter
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 7 (2), 86-95, 1997
Organization and distribution of intramuscular connective tissue in normal and immobilized skeletal muscles
TAH Järvinen, L Józsa, P Kannus, TLN Järvinen, M Järvinen
Journal of Muscle Research & Cell Motility 23, 245-254, 2002
Transmission of vertical whole body vibration to the human body
J Kiiski, A Heinonen, TL Järvinen, P Kannus, H Sievänen
Journal of bone and mineral research 23 (8), 1318-1325, 2008
Achilles tendon injuries
TAH Järvinen, P Kannus, M Paavola, TLN Järvinen, L Józsa, M Järvinen
Current opinion in rheumatology 13 (2), 150-155, 2001
Relation between myofibers and connective tissue during muscle injury repair
M Kääriäinen, T Järvinen, M Järvinen, J Rantanen, H Kalimo
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 10 (6), 332-337, 2000
Treatment of tendon disorders
M Paavola, P Kannus, TAH Järvinen, TLN Järvinen, L Józsa, M Järvinen
Foot and ankle clinics 7 (3), 501-513, 2002
Collagen fibres of the spontaneously ruptured human tendons display decreased thickness and crimp angle
TAH Järvinen, TLN Järvinen, P Kannus, L Józsa, M Järvinen
Journal of orthopaedic research 22 (6), 1303-1309, 2004
Subacromial decompression versus diagnostic arthroscopy for shoulder impingement: randomised, placebo surgery controlled clinical trial
M Paavola, A Malmivaara, S Taimela, K Kanto, J Inkinen, J Kalske, ...
bmj 362, 2018
Use of a cast compared with a functional ankle brace after operative treatment of an ankle fracture: a prospective, randomized study
H Lehtonen, TLN Järvinen, S Honkonen, M Nyman, K Vihtonen, ...
JBJS 85 (2), 205-211, 2003
Finnish Degenerative Meniscal Lesion Study (FIDELITY) Group. Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy versus sham surgery for a degenerative meniscal tear
R Sihvonen, M Paavola, A Malmivaara, A Itälä, A Joukainen, H Nurmi, ...
N Engl J Med 369 (26), 2515-24, 2013
Mechanical loading regulates the expression of tenascin-C in the myotendinous junction and tendon but does not induce de novo synthesis in the skeletal muscle
TAH Järvinen, L Józsa, P Kannus, TLN Järvinen, T Hurme, M Kvist, ...
Journal of cell science 116 (5), 857-866, 2003
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مقاله‌ها 1–20