دنبال کردن
Pieter Taels
Pieter Taels
FWO senior postdoc, University of Antwerp
ایمیل تأیید شده در uantwerpen.be
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
A large hadron electron collider at CERN report on the physics and design concepts for machine and detector
JLA Fernandez, C Adolphsen, AN Akay, H Aksakal, JL Albacete, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 39 (7), 075001, 2012
Prospects for quarkonium studies at the high-luminosity LHC
E Chapon, D d’Enterria, B Ducloue, MG Echevarria, PB Gossiaux, ...
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 122, 103906, 2022
Transverse-momentum-dependent gluon distribution functions in a spectator model
A Bacchetta, FG Celiberto, M Radici, P Taels
The European Physical Journal C 80 (8), 733, 2020
A large hadron electron collider at CERN
O Cakir, V Cetinkaya, R Ciftci, AK Ciftci, S Turkoz, IT Cakir, H Karadeniz, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 39 (7), 075001-075001, 2012
Probing the gluon Sivers function in and
U D’Alesio, F Murgia, C Pisano, P Taels
Physical Review D 96 (3), 036011, 2017
Azimuthal asymmetries in semi-inclusive production at an EIC
U D’Alesio, F Murgia, C Pisano, P Taels
Physical Review D 100 (9), 094016, 2019
Linearly polarized small- gluons in forward heavy-quark pair production
C Marquet, C Roiesnel, P Taels
Physical Review D 97 (1), 014004, 2018
Dijet photoproduction at low x at next-to-leading order and its back-to-back limit
P Taels, T Altinoluk, G Beuf, C Marquet
Journal of High Energy Physics 2022 (10), 1-76, 2022
Unraveling the gluon Sivers function in hadronic collisions at RHIC
U D’Alesio, C Flore, F Murgia, C Pisano, P Taels
Physical Review D 99 (3), 036013, 2019
Gluon TMDs and NRQCD matrix elements in production at an EIC
A Bacchetta, D Boer, C Pisano, P Taels
The European Physical Journal C 80 (1), 72, 2020
J/ψ meson production in SIDIS: matching high and low transverse momentum
D Boer, U D’Alesio, F Murgia, C Pisano, P Taels
Journal of High Energy Physics 2020 (9), 1-26, 2020
TMD factorization for dijets+ photon production from the dilute-dense CGC framework
T Altinoluk, R Boussarie, C Marquet, P Taels
Journal of High Energy Physics 2019 (7), 1-70, 2019
Photoproduction of three jets in the CGC: gluon TMDs and dilute limit
T Altinoluk, R Boussarie, C Marquet, P Taels
Journal of High Energy Physics 2020 (7), 1-52, 2020
Low-x improved TMD approach to the lepto-and hadroproduction of a heavy-quark pair
T Altinoluk, C Marquet, P Taels
Journal of High Energy Physics 2021 (6), 1-19, 2021
Jet quenching parameter in an expanding QCD plasma
E Iancu, P Taels, B Wu
Physics Letters B 786, 288-295, 2018
A spectator-model way to transverse-momentum-dependent gluon distribution functions
A Bacchetta, FG Celiberto, M Radici, P Taels
SciPost Physics Proceedings, 040, 2022
On the Relation of the LHeC and the LHC
JL Fernandez, C Adolphsen, P Adzic, AN Akay, H Aksakal, JL Albacete, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1211.5102, 2012
Extracting color octet NRQCD matrix elements from production at the EIC
D Boer, C Pisano, P Taels
Physical Review D 103 (7), 074012, 2021
Evolution of light-like Wilson loops with a self-intersection in loop space
T Mertens, P Taels
Physics Letters B 727 (4-5), 563-567, 2013
Chern-Simons diffusion rate in a holographic Yang-Mills theory
B Craps, C Hoyos, P Surowka, P Taels
Journal of High Energy Physics 2012 (11), 1-15, 2012
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20