دنبال کردن
Hui Liang
Hui Liang
Technology Centre for Offshore and Marine Singapore
ایمیل تأیید شده در tcoms.sg
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Numerical and experimental investigations into fluid resonance in a gap between two side-by-side vessels
H Liang, KH Chua, H Wang, YS Choo
Applied Ocean Research 111, 102581, 2021
A BEM model for wave forces on structures with thin porous elements
E Mackay, H Liang, L Johanning
Journal of Fluids and Structures 102, 103246, 2021
Application of a 2D harmonic polynomial cell (HPC) method to singular flows and lifting problems
H Liang, OM Faltinsen, YL Shao
Applied Ocean Research 53, 75-90, 2015
Validation of a global approximation for wave diffraction-radiation in deep water
H Liang, H Wu, F Noblesse
Applied Ocean Research 74, 80–86, 2018
Numerical study of two-dimensional heaving airfoils in ground effect
H Liang, X Wang, L Zou, Z Zong
Journal of Fluids and Structures 48, 188-202, 2014
Liquid sloshing in an upright circular tank under periodic and transient excitations
H Liang, H Santo, Y Shao, YZ Law, ES Chan
Physical Review Fluids 5 (8), 084801, 2020
A new multi-domain method based on an analytical control surface for linear and second-order mean drift wave loads on floating bodies
H Liang, X Chen
Journal of Computational Physics 347, 506-532, 2017
Water wave scattering by impermeable and perforated plates
H Liang, S Zheng, Y Shao, KH Chua, YS Choo, D Greaves
Physics of Fluids 33, 077111, 2021
Wave power extraction from a floating elastic disk-shaped wave energy converter
S Zheng, S Michele, H Liang, MH Meylan, D Greaves
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 948, A38, 2022
Lifting line theory for wing-in-ground effect in proximity to a free surface
Z Zong, H Liang, L Zhou
Journal of Engineering Mathematics 74, 143-158, 2012
Efficient methods free of irregular frequencies in wave and solid/porous structure interactions
H Liang, C Ouled Housseine, X Chen, Y Shao
Journal of Fluids and Structures 98, 103130, 2020
A consistent second-order hydrodynamic model in the time domain for floating structures with large horizontal motions
Y Shao, Z Zheng, H Liang, J Chen
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 37, 894-914, 2022
Hydrodynamic Responses of a 6 MW Spar-Type Floating Offshore Wind Turbine in Regular Waves and Uniform Current
Z Zheng, J Chen, H Liang, Y Zhao, Y Shao
Fluids 5 (4), 187, 2020
Influence of Froude number and submergence depth on wave patterns
H Wu, J He, H Liang, F Noblesse
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 75, 258-270, 2019
Wave interaction and energy absorption from arrays of complex-shaped point absorbers
Y Liu, S Zheng, H Liang, P Cong
Physics of Fluids 34, 097107, 2022
An analytical investigation of two-dimensional and three-dimensional biplanes operating in the vicinity of a free surface
H Liang, L Zhou, Z Zong, L Sun
Journal of Marine Science and Technology 18, 12-31, 2013
Wavy properties and analytical modeling of free-surface flows in the development of the multi-domain method
X Chen, H Liang
Journal of Hydrodynamics 28 (6), 971–976, 2016
Wave component in the Green function for diffraction radiation of regular water waves
H Wu, H Liang, F Noblesse
Applied Ocean Research 81, 72-75, 2018
Water wave interaction with an array of submerged circular plates: Hankel transform approach
S Zheng, H Liang, S Michele, D Greaves
Physical Review Fluids 8 (1), 014803, 2023
Viscous effects on the fundamental solution to ship waves
H Liang, X Chen
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 879, 744-774, 2019
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20