دنبال کردن
Amey Pathak
Amey Pathak
Assistant Professor, IIT Kharagpur
ایمیل تأیید شده در agfe.iitkgp.ac.in - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
A threefold rise in widespread extreme rain events over central India
M Roxy, Koll, Ghosh, Subimal., Pathak, Amey, Athulya R., Mujumdar, M ...
Nature Communications 8 (708), 2017
Weakening of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall due to Changes in Land Use Land Cover
SP ,Subimal Ghosh, Robert Oglesby, Amey Pathak, Anita Chandrasekharan, RAAJ ...
Scientific Reports 6 (32177), 2016
Hydrologic impacts of climate change: Comparisons between hydrological parameter uncertainty and climate model uncertainty
J Joseph, S Ghosh, A Pathak, AK Sahai
Journal of Hydrology 566, 1-22, 2018
Precipitation recycling in the Indian subcontinent during summer monsoon
A Pathak, S Ghosh, P Kumar
Journal of Hydrometeorology 15 (5), 2050-2066, 2014
Role of Oceanic and Land Moisture Sources and Transport in the Seasonal and Inter-annual variability of Summer Monsoon in India
A Pathak, S Ghosh, JA Martinez, F Dominguez, P Kumar
Journal of Climate 30, 1839-1859, 2017
Water Food Energy Nexus: Changing Scenarios in India during recent Decades
B Barik, S Ghosh, AS Sahana, A Pathak, M Sekhar
Hydrology and Earth System Science 21, 3042-3060, 2017
Role of Oceanic and Terrestrial Atmospheric Moisture Sources in Intraseasonal Variability of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall
PK Pathak Amey, Ghosh Subimal, Raghu Murtugudde
Scientific Reports, 2017
Lack of dependence of Indian summer monsoon rainfall extremes on temperature: an observational evidence
H Vittal, S Ghosh, S Karmakar, A Pathak, R Murtugudde
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 31039, 2016
Weakening of Indian summer monsoon rainfall due to changes in land use land cover. Sci Rep 6: 32177
S Paul, S Ghosh, R Oglesby, A Pathak, A Chandrasekharan, ...
Observed Evidence for Steep Rise in the Extreme Flow of Western Himalayan Rivers
D Chug, A Pathak, J Indu, K Jain, Sharad, K Jain Sanjay, AP Dimri, ...
Geophysical Research Letters, 2020
Understanding the role of moisture transport on the dry bias in Indian monsoon simulations by CFSv2
AS Sahana, A Pathak, MK Roxy, S Ghosh
Climate Dynamics 52 (1), 637-651, 2019
Understanding the role of moisture transport on the dry bias in indian monsoon simulations by CFSv2
Sahana AS, Amey Pathak, M.K. Roxy, Subimal Ghosh
Climate Dynamics, 2018
Use of Atmospheric Budget to Reduce Uncertainty in Estimated Water Availability over South Asia from Different Reanalyses
DES , Amey Pathak, & Subimal Ghosh
Scientific Reports 6 (Article number: 29664 (2016)), doi:10.1038/srep29664, 2016
Dual response of Arabian Sea cyclones and strength of Indian monsoon to Southern Atlantic Ocean
V Hari, A Pathak, A Koppa
Climate Dynamics, https://link.springer.com/article/10.100, 2020
Observing tidal and storm generated wave height impact on groundwater levels in a tropical delta (the Sundarbans)
K Das, S Sarkar, A Mukherjee, P Das, A Pathak
Journal of Hydrology 603, 126813, 2021
Lack of Dependence of Indian summer monsoon rainfall extremes on temperature: an observational evidence. Sci Rep 6: 31039
H Vittal, S Ghosh, S Karmakar, A Pathak, R Murtugudde
Land–Atmosphere Interactions in Indian Monsoon at Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Scale
A Pathak, S Ghosh
Hydrology in a Changing World:, 139-152, 2019
Land-surface feedback and impacts of land-use change to Indian monsoon rainfall
A Pathak, S Paul, S Ghosh
Climate Change Signals and Response: A Strategic Knowledge Compendium for …, 2019
Changing pattern of Indian monsoon extremes: global and local factors
S Ghosh, H Shastri, A Pathak, S Paul
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2392, 2017
Role of Western Indian Ocean on the Indian Monsoon Extreme Events during 2023
R Kumar, A Pathak
AGU24, 2024
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مقاله‌ها 1–20