دنبال کردن
Yuwaldi Away
Yuwaldi Away
Universitas Syiah Kuala
ایمیل تأیید شده در usk.ac.id - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Pemantauan parameter panel surya berbasis arduino secara real time
MR Fachri, ID Sara, Y Away
Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika 11 (4), 123-128, 2015
Pengaruh komitmen, integritas dan kompetensi terhadap kinerja pegawai serta dampaknya pada kinerja komisi independen pemilihan (kip) aceh
A Salwa, Y Away, M Tabrani
Jurnal Magister Manajemen 2 (1), 58-67, 2018
Dual-axis sun tracker sensor based on tetrahedron geometry
Y Away, M Ikhsan
Automation in Construction 73, 175-183, 2017
Development of concise convolutional neural network for tomato plant disease classification based on leaf images
A Sembiring, Y Away, F Arnia, R Muharar
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1845 (1), 012009, 2021
Effective and fast binarization method for combined degradation on ancient documents
K Saddami, K Munadi, Y Away, F Arnia
Heliyon 5 (10), 2019
Features for cross spectral image matching: A survey
M Oktiana, F Arnia, Y Away, K Munadi
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 7 (4), 552-560, 2018
Performance comparison between PID and fuzzy algorithm for sun tracker based on tetrahedron geometry sensor
Y Away, A Rahman, TR Auliandra, M Firdaus
2018 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics …, 2018
Adaptive relay selection based on channel gain and link distance for cooperative out-band device-to-device networks
I Raziah, Y Yunida, Y Away, R Muharar, N Nasaruddin
Heliyon 7 (7), 2021
Advances in cross-spectral iris recognition using integrated gradientface-based normalization
M Oktiana, K Saddami, F Arnia, Y Away, K Hirai, T Horiuchi, K Munadi
IEEE Access 7, 130484-130494, 2019
Cross-spectral iris recognition using phase-based matching and homomorphic filtering
M Oktiana, T Horiuchi, K Hirai, K Saddami, F Arnia, Y Away, K Munadi
Heliyon 6 (2), 2020
Improvement of binarization performance using local otsu thresholding.
K Saddami, K Munadi, Y Away, F Arnia
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708) 9 (1), 2019
An adaptive best relay selection for energy efficient cooperative D2D communications
I Raziah, Y Away, N Nasaruddin
2019 International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics, and …, 2019
Kajian Aspek Kecepatan dan Ketepatan pada Sun Tracker Dua Sumbu Berbasis Sensor Berbentuk Tetrahedron
S Azmi, Y Away, ID Sara
Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika 15 (2), 2019
Computer–Aided Marking System for Engineering Drawing
Z Shukur, Y Away, MA Dawari
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2004
Channel modeling for 6G communications: A survey
H Walidainy, R Adriman, Y Away, N Nasaruddin
2021 International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology …, 2021
The weights detection of multi-criteria by using solver
F Fachrurrazi, Y Away, S Husin
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 7 (2 …, 2017
The Real Time Visual Inspection System for Bottling Machine
CK Meng, Y Away, NF Elias, AS Prabuwono
Proceeding of the 2nd Conference on Computer Graphics and Multimedia …, 2004
Desain Purwarupa Peralatan Pembatas Kecepatan Kendaraan Secara Adaptif Menggunakan Sensor Radar HB100 Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATMega328P
I Mulia, Y Away, A Rahman
Jurnal Komputer, Informasi Teknologi, dan Elektro 4 (3), 2019
Penerapan Logika Fuzzy pada Sun Tracker Dual Axis Berbasis Sensor Tetrahedron Geometri
Y Away, Suriadi, A Rahman, TRA Isma, M Firdaus
Seminar Nasional dan Expo Teknik Elektro ke-6 2017 2 (8), 2017
Perancangan lengan robot 5 derajat kebebasan dengan pendekatan kinematika
Y Away, R Munadi, M Ikhsan, I Muddin
Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika 11 (2), 69-72, 2014
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20