دنبال کردن
Ali Nassiri
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Finite Element Simulation and Experimental Investigation of Wavy Interfacial Morphology during High Velocity Impact Welding
A Nassiri, G Chini, A Vivek, G Daehn, B Kinsey
Materials & Design 85, 345-358, 2015
Experimental and numerical framework for study of low velocity water droplet impact dynamics
B Mitchell, A Nassiri, M Locke, J Klewicki, Y Korkolis, B Kinsey
ASME 2016 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference 1 …, 2016
Numerical studies on high-velocity impact welding: smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE)
A Nassiri, B Kinsey
Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2016
Depiction of interfacial morphology in impact welded Ti/Cu bimetallic systems using smoothed particle hydrodynamics
A Nassiri, A Vivek, T Abke, B Liu, T Lee, G Daehn
Applied Physics Letters 110 (23), 1601, 2017
Spatial stability analysis of emergent wavy interfacial patterns in magnetic pulsed welding
A Nassiri, G Chini, B Kinsey
CIRP Annals 63 (1), 245-248, 2014
Numerical investigation of CP-Ti & Cu110 impact welding using smoothed particle hydrodynamics and arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian methods
A Nassiri, S Zhang, T Lee, T Abke, A Vivek, B Kinsey, G Daehn
Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2017
Investigation of melting phenomena in solid-state welding processes
A Nassiri, T Abke, G Daehn
Scripta Materialia 168, 61-66, 2019
Shear instability of plastically-deforming metals in high-velocity impact welding
A Nassiri, B Kinsey, G Chini
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2016
Microstructure development in impact welding of a model system
T Lee, A Nassiri, T Dittrich, A Vivek, G Daehn
Scripta Materialia 178, 203-206, 2020
Analytical Model and Experimental Validation of Single Turn, Axi-Symmetric Coil for Electromagnetic Forming and Welding
A Nassiri, C Campbell, G Chini, B Kinsey
Procedia Manufacturing 1 (1), 814-827, 2015
Analytical model and experimental investigation of electromagnetic tube compression with axi-symmetric coil and field shaper
B Kinsey, A Nassiri
CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 2017
Integrated photoelasticity in a soft material: phase retardation, azimuthal angle, and stress-optic coefficient
Y Yokoyama, BR Mitchell, A Nassiri, BL Kinsey, YP Korkolis, Y Tagawa
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 161, 107335, 2023
Experimental and numerical investigation of interfacial microstructure in fully age-hardened 15-5 PH stainless steel during impact welding
GSD Bert C Liu, Anthony N Palazotto, Ali Nassiri, Anupam Vivek
Journal of Materials Science 54 (13), 9824-9842, 2019
Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian FEA Method to Predict Wavy Pattern and Weldability Window During Magnetic Pulsed Welding
A Nassiri, GP Chini, BL Kinsey
ASME 2015 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference 1 …, 2015
An investigation of Hertzian contact in soft materials using photoelastic tomography
B Mitchell, Y Yokoyama, A Nassiri, Y Tagawa, YP Korkolis, BL Kinsey
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 171, 105164, 2023
Investigation of wavy interfacial morphology in magnetic pulsed welding: mathematical modeling, numerical simulations and experimental tests
A Nassiri
ProQuest/UMI, 2015
Numerical model and experimental investigation of electromagnetic tube compression with field shaper
S Zhang, A Nassiri, B Kinsey
Procedia Manufacturing 26, 537-542, 2018
Numerical modeling of high-velocity impact welding
A Nassiri, S Zhang, T Abke, A Vivek, B Kinsey, G Daehn
Proceedings of the 3rd Pan American Materials Congress, 83-93, 2017
Analytical and Numerical Investigation of Tube Compression with a Multi-Turn, Axisymmetric Coil
A Nassiri, S Zhang, K Reisert, B Kinsey
7th International Conference on High Speed Forming, 91-103, 2016
An accelerated analytical method for predicting workpiece velocity and displacement during electromagnetic forming
A Nassiri, S Zhang, B Kinsey
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 82, 64-77, 2022
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20