دنبال کردن
Paolo Brandimarte
Paolo Brandimarte
Dip. di Scienze Matematiche - Politecnico di Torino
ایمیل تأیید شده در polito.it - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Routing and scheduling in a flexible job shop by tabu search
P Brandimarte
Annals of Operations research 41 (3), 157-183, 1993
Numerical methods in finance and economics: a MATLAB-based introduction
P Brandimarte
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Handbook in Monte Carlo simulation: applications in financial engineering, risk management, and economics
P Brandimarte
John Wiley & Sons, 2014
Introduction to distribution logistics
P Brandimarte, G Zotteri
John Wiley & Sons, 2007
Multi-item capacitated lot-sizing with demand uncertainty
P Brandimarte
International Journal of Production Research 44 (15), 2997-3022, 2006
Maximizing system lifetime in wireless sensor networks
A Alfieri, A Bianco, P Brandimarte, CF Chiasserini
European journal of Operational research 181 (1), 390-402, 2007
A hierarchical bicriterion approach to integrated process plan selection and job shop scheduling
P Brandimarte, M Calderini
The International Journal of Production Research 33 (1), 161-181, 1995
Quantitative methods: An introduction for business management
P Brandimarte
John Wiley & Sons, 2012
Object-oriented modeling and simulation of integrated production/distribution systems
A Alfieri, P Brandimarte
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 10 (4), 261-266, 1997
LP-based heuristics for the capacitated lot-sizing problem: the interaction of model formulation and solution algorithm
A Alfieri, P Brandimarte, S D'orazio
International Journal of Production Research 40 (2), 441-458, 2002
Exploiting process plan flexibility in production scheduling: A multi-objective approach
P Brandimarte
European journal of operational research 114 (1), 59-71, 1999
Hybrid hierarchical scheduling and control systems in manufacturing
B Bona, P Brandimarte, C Greco, G Menga
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 6 (6), 673-686, 1990
Joint job/tool scheduling in a flexible manufacturing cell with no on-board tool magazine
A Agnetis, A Alfieri, P Brandimarte, P Prinsecchi
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 10 (1), 61-68, 1997
Data-driven control of a pendulum wave energy converter: A gaussian process regression approach
DG Gioia, E Pasta, P Brandimarte, G Mattiazzo
Ocean Engineering 253, 111191, 2022
Conceptual modeling of an object-oriented scheduling architecture based on the shifting bottleneck procedure
P Brandimarte, M Rigodanza, L Roero
IIE Transactions 32, 921-929, 2000
Modeling manufacturing systems: from aggregate planning to real-time control
P Brandimarte, A Villa
Springer Science & Business Media, 1999
An introduction to financial markets: a quantitative approach
P Brandimarte
John Wiley & Sons, 2017
From shortest paths to reinforcement learning
P Brandimarte
Springer International Publishing, http://dx. doi. org/10.1007/978-3-030-61867-4, 2021
Neighbourhood search-based optimization algorithms for production scheduling: a survey
P Brandimarte
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 5 (2), 167-176, 1992
Outperforming algorithmic trading reinforcement learning systems: A supervised approach to the cryptocurrency market
LK Felizardo, FCL Paiva, C de Vita Graves, EY Matsumoto, AHR Costa, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 202, 117259, 2022
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مقاله‌ها 1–20