دنبال کردن
Juan Jose Cabello Eras
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
On the evolution of “Cleaner Production” as a concept and a practice
L Hens, C Block, JJ Cabello-Eras, A Sagastume-Gutierez, ...
Journal of cleaner production 172, 3323-3333, 2018
Tribological behavior of polyalphaolefin with the addition of nickel nanoparticles
AS R Chou, AH Battez, JJ Cabello, JL Viesca, A Osorio
Tribology International 43 (12), 2327-2332 43 (12), 2327-2332, 2010
Antiwear properties of carbon-coated copper nanoparticles used as an additive to a polyalphaolefin
JL Viesca, AH Battez, R González, R Chou, JJ Cabello
Tribology international 44 (7-8), 829-833, 2011
Renewables energies in Colombia and the opportunity for the offshore wind technology
JHC Juan Gabriel Rueda-Bayona, Andres Guzmán, Juan José Cabello Eras ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 220, 529-543, 2019
The energy potential of agriculture, agroindustrial, livestock, and slaughterhouse biomass wastes through direct combustion and anaerobic digestion. The case of Colombia
CV AlexisSagastume Gutiérreza,Juan J.Cabello Erasa, LucHensb
Journal of Cleaner Production 269, 122317-122334, 2020
Improving the environmental performance of an earthwork project using cleaner production strategies
JJC Eras, AS Gutiérrez, DH Capote, L Hens, C Vandecasteele
Journal of Cleaner Production 47, 368-376, 2013
Residue from sugarcane juice filtration (filter cake): energy use at the sugar factory
PA Ochoa George, JJC Eras, AS Gutierrez, L Hens, C Vandecasteele
Waste and Biomass Valorization 1, 407-413, 2010
Tools to improve forecasting and control of the electricity consumption in hotels
JJC Eras, VS Santos, AS Gutiérrez, MÁG Plasencia, D Haeseldonckx, ...
Journal of cleaner production 137, 803-812, 2016
An approach to sustainable development: the case of Cuba
CV Juan José Cabello, Dunia Garcia, Alexis Sagastume, Rosario Priego, Luc Hens
Environment, Development and Sustainability 14 (4), 573-591, 2012
Evaluation of the energy recovery potential of thermoelectric generators in diesel engines
R Ramírez, AS Gutiérrez, JJC Eras, K Valencia, B Hernández, JD Forero
Journal of Cleaner Production 241, 118412, 2019
Improved selection of the functional unit in environmental impact assessment of cement
AS Gutiérrez, JJC Eras, CA Gaviria, J Van Caneghem, C Vandecasteele
Journal of Cleaner Production 168, 463-473, 2017
Sustainable development goals in the COVID-19 pandemic: A narrative review
VJ Clemente-Suárez, S Rodriguez-Besteiro, JJ Cabello-Eras, ...
Sustainability 14 (13), 7726, 2022
The current potential of low-carbon economy and biomass-based electricity in Cuba. The case of sugarcane, energy cane and marabu (Dichrostachys cinerea) as biomass sources
AS Gutiérrez, JJC Eras, D Huisingh, C Vandecasteele, L Hens
Journal of Cleaner Production 172, 2108-2122, 2018
A look to the Electricity Generation from Non-Conventional Renewable Energy Sources in Colombia
JJC Eras, MB Morejón, AS Gutiérrez, AP García, MC Ulloa, FJR Martínez, ...
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 9 (1), 15-25, 2019
Data to support the assessment of the energy efficiency estimation methods on induction motors considering real-time monitoring.
MJCU Vladimir Sousa Santos,Juan J. Cabello Eras,Alexis Sagastume Gutiérrez
Data in Brieff 30, 105512, 2020
Energy management of compressed air systems. Assessing the production and use of compressed air in industry
JJC Eras, AS Gutiérrez, VS Santos, MJC Ulloa
Energy 213, 118662, 2020
Coal emissions adverse human health effects associated with ultrafine/nanoparticles role and resultant engineering controls
LFOS Marcos L.S. Oliveira, Orlando G. Navarro, Tito J. Crissien, Bernardo F ...
Environmental Research 158, 450-455, 2017
Redes sociales como soporte a la gestión del conocimiento
M Santana, J Cabello, R Cubas, V Medina
Universidad ESAN, 2011
University-industry interaction on cleaner production. The case of the Cleaner Production Center at the University of Cienfuegos in Cuba, a country in transition
L Hens, JJC Eras, AS Gutiérez, DG Lorenzo, JBC Martinez, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 142, 63-68, 2017
Environmental assessment of pig production in Cienfuegos, Cuba: Alternatives for manure management.
AS Gutiérrez, JJC Eras, P Billen, C Vandecasteele
Journal of Cleaner Production, 1-31, 2015
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20