دنبال کردن
Jakob Schwörer
Jakob Schwörer
Postdoctoral Researcher, Leuphana University Lüneburg
ایمیل تأیید شده در leuphana.de - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
The growth of populism in the political mainstream
J Schwörer
Springer International Publishing, 2021
Radical right populism and religion: Mapping parties’ religious communication in Western Europe
J Schwörer, X Romero-Vidal
Religion, state & society 48 (1), 4-21, 2020
Religion on the rise again? A longitudinal analysis of religious dimensions in election manifestos of Western European parties
J Schwörer, B Fernández-García
Party Politics 27 (6), 1160-1171, 2021
Less populist in power? Online communication of populist parties in coalition governments
J Schwörer
Government and Opposition 57 (3), 467-489, 2022
Demonisation of political discourses? How mainstream parties talk about the populist radical right
J Schwörer, B Fernández-García
West European Politics 44 (7), 1401-1424, 2021
Climate sceptics or climate nationalists? Understanding and explaining populist radical right parties’ positions towards climate change (1990–2022)
J Schwörer, B Fernández-García
Political Studies 72 (3), 1178-1202, 2024
Mainstream parties and global warming: What determines parties’ engagement in climate protection?
J Schwörer
European journal of political research 63 (1), 303-325, 2024
Don't call me a populist! The meaning of populism for western European parties and politicians
J Schwörer
Electoral Studies 72, 102358, 2021
Populist radical right parties and discursive opportunities during Covid-19. Blame attribution in times of crisis
J Schwörer, B Fernández-García
Zeitschrift für vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 16 (3), 545-570, 2022
Alternative fü r Deutschland: From the streets to the Parliament?
J Schwörer
Radical Right Movement Parties in Europe, 29-45, 2018
Right-wing populist parties as defender of Christianity? The case of the Italian Northern League
J Schwörer
Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik 2 (2), 387-413, 2018
Populismi: il" Movimento 5 Stelle" e la" Alternativa per la Germania"
J Schwörer
Bibliotheka edizioni, 2016
Populistization’of mainstream parties? Empirical hints for a contagion of populist and radical right messages
J Schwörer
Working Paper Presented at the ECPR General Conference, 2019
The religious Dimensions of the Spanish radical Right: Ideology, Communication and Agenda setting of Vox
J Schwörer
Campus Verlag, 2020
The rise and fall of GMOs in politics: Party positions and mainstream party behaviour in Western Europe
J Schwörer, XR Vidal, SM Vallejo
Environmental Sociology 9 (1), 93-106, 2023
‘Void’democrats? The populist notion of ‘democracy’in action
J Schwörer, M Koß
Party Politics 31 (1), 72-85, 2025
Challengers or the establishment? How populists talk about populists
J Schwörer, B Fernández-García, M Caiani
German Politics, 1-25, 2023
In the name of God and Christianity: Mapping parties’ and candidates’ religious communication in Latin America
J Schwörer, B Fernández-García
Religion, state & society 51 (2), 131-152, 2023
Understanding and explaining populist radical right parties’ commitment to animal welfare in Western Europe
J Schwörer, B Fernández-García
Environmental Politics 33 (5), 820-842, 2024
New Danish Paradigms on Asylum and Integration. Effects and Challenges
J Schwörer
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مقاله‌ها 1–20