دنبال کردن
Lars Dommermuth
Lars Dommermuth
ایمیل تأیید شده در ssb.no - صفحهٔ اصلی
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نقل شده توسط
Education, gender, and cohort fertility in the Nordic countries
M Jalovaara, G Neyer, G Andersson, J Dahlberg, L Dommermuth, ...
European Journal of Population 35, 563-586, 2019
Now or later? The theory of planned behavior and timing of fertility intentions
L Dommermuth, J Klobas, T Lappegård
Advances in life course research 16 (1), 42-53, 2011
Beyond the economic gaze: Childbearing during and after recessions in the Nordic countries
CL Comolli, G Neyer, G Andersson, L Dommermuth, P Fallesen, ...
European Journal of Population 37 (2), 473-520, 2021
Not just later, but fewer: Novel trends in cohort fertility in the Nordic countries
J Hellstrand, J Nisén, V Miranda, P Fallesen, L Dommermuth, M Myrskylä
Demography 58 (4), 1373-1399, 2021
Realization of fertility intentions by different time frames
L Dommermuth, J Klobas, T Lappegård
Advances in life course research 24, 34-46, 2015
Gender equality in the family and childbearing
L Dommermuth, B Hohmann-Marriott, T Lappegård
Journal of Family Issues 38 (13), 1803-1824, 2017
Fathers' employment in a father-friendly welfare state: does fatherhood affect men's working hours?
L Dommermuth, RH Kitter⊘ d
Community, Work & Family 12 (4), 417-436, 2009
Wege ins Erwachsenenalter in Europa
L Dommermuth
Wege ins Erwachsenenalter in Europa: Italien, Westdeutschland und Schweden …, 2008
Internal migration and the role of intergenerational family ties and life events
MJ Thomas, L Dommermuth
Journal of Marriage and Family 82 (5), 1461-1478, 2020
Educational differences in cohort fertility across sub-national regions in Europe
J Nisén, S Klüsener, J Dahlberg, L Dommermuth, A Jasilioniene, ...
European Journal of Population 37, 263-295, 2021
The impact of narratives of the future on fertility intentions in Norway
T Lappegård, AP Kristensen, L Dommermuth, A Minello, D Vignoli
Journal of Marriage and Family 84 (2), 476-493, 2022
Formation and realisation of moving intentions across the adult life course
L Dommermuth, S Klüsener
Population, Space and Place 25 (5), e2212, 2019
Who remains unpartnered by mid-life in Norway? Differentials by gender and education
KA Wiik, L Dommermuth
Journal of Comparative Family Studies 45 (3), 405-424, 2014
Understanding the positive effects of the COVID‐19 pandemic on women's fertility in Norway
T Lappegård, T Kornstad, L Dommermuth, AP Kristensen
Population and Development Review 50 (S1), 129-152, 2024
First, second or third time around? The number of co-residential relationships among young Norwegians
L Dommermuth, KA Wiik
Young 22 (4), 323-343, 2014
Nedgangen i fruktbarheten fra 2010. Betydningen av utdanning, økonomisk aktivitet og økonomiske ressurser for førstefødsler og tredjefødsler
L Dommermuth, T Lappegård
Statistisk sentralbyrå, 2017
Kunnskapsstatus om fruktbarhet og samliv i Norge
L Dommermuth, RK Hart, T Lappegård, M Rønsen, KA Wiik
Statistisk sentralbyrå, 2015
Now or later? The theory of planned behaviour and fertility intentions
L Dommermuth, J Klobas, T Lappegård
" Carlo F. Dondena" Centre for Research on Social Dynamics (DONDENA …, 2009
Perceived economic uncertainty and fertility intentions in couples: A dyadic extension of the Theory of Planned Behaviour
C Matera, L Dommermuth, S Bacci, B Bertaccini, A Minello, D Vignoli
Journal of Family and Economic Issues 44 (4), 790-806, 2023
Når flytter de unge hjemmefra
L Dommermuth
When do youth leave parental home, 2009
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مقاله‌ها 1–20