دنبال کردن
Naomi A. Jessup
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Teacher noticing from a sociopolitical perspective: The FAIR framework for anti-deficit noticing
N Louie, AP Adiredja, N Jessup
ZDM–mathematics education 53 (1), 95-107, 2021
Productive struggle in action
K Baker, NA Jessup, VR Jacobs, SB Empson, J Case
Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12 113 (5), 361-367, 2020
Profiles of teachers’ expertise in professional noticing of children’s mathematical thinking
VR Jacobs, SB Empson, NA Jessup, A Dunning, DA Pynes, G Krause, ...
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 27 (3), 295-324, 2024
Looking for “us”: power reimagined in mathematics learning for Black communities in the pandemic
L Matthews, N Jessup, R Sears
Educational Studies in Mathematics, 2021
A critical lens on cognitively guided instruction: Perspectives from mathematics teacher educators of color
LAM Rodríguez, N Jessup, M Myers, N Louie, T Chao
Mathematics Teacher Educator 10 (3), 191-203, 2022
Rehumanizing mathematics education and building community for online learning
NA Jessup, JA Wolfe, C Kalinec-Craig
Online learning in mathematics education, 95-113, 2021
The Responsive Teaching in Elementary Mathematics Project
VR Jacobs, SB Empson, D Pynes, A Hewitt, N Jessup, G Krause
Learning Trajectories for Teachers: Designing Effective Professional …, 2019
Unit fractions as superheroes for instruction
SB Empson, VR Jacobs, NA Jessup, A Hewitt, G Krause
Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12 113 (4), 278-286, 2020
Responsive teaching with fractions
VR Jacobs, SB Empson, GH Krause, D Pynes
annual meeting of the Research Conference of the National Council of …, 2015
Understanding teachers' noticing of children's mathematical thinking in written work from different sources
NA Jessup
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2018
Teacher noticing from a sociopolitical perspective: The FAIR framework for anti-deficit noticing. ZDM–Mathematics Education, 53 (1), 95–107
N Louie, AP Adiredja, N Jessup
Framing elementary school teachers’ considerations when engaging with their own student written work
N Jessup
Proceedings of the 40th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the …, 2018
Blackness and the pandemic: Critiquing the mathematics curriculum in a large urban city
NA Ortiz, N Jessup
Equity & Excellence in Education 55 (4), 357-370, 2022
Pandemics and issues of equity
NA Jessup, JA Wolfe, O Udiani, CA Kalinec-Craig
Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12 113 (10), e58-e59, 2020
Follow-up conversations: Inside or outside of children's strategy details?
VR Jacobs, S Empson, N Jessup, K Baker
Research Council on Mathematics Learning, 156 – 163, 2019
Knotting Numbers: Marcia Ascher
E Thanheiser, N Jessup
Powerful Mathematicians Who Changed the World (Ed., Christa Jackson), 1-28, 2023
Reengineering Hope of an Inclusive Mathematics Education
N Jessup, R Sears, L Matthews
The Corona Chronicles: On Leadership, Processes, Commitments, and Hope in …, 2021
New Working Group: Teaching mathematics for social justice in the context of University Mathematics Content and Methods courses
E Thanheiser, FK Harper, C Jackson, N Jessup, C Kalinec-Craig, C Yeh, ...
Designing professional learning tasks for learning to pose probing questions
N Jessup, J Webb, PH Wilson
Proceedings of the 37th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the …, 2015
Understanding teachers’ perspectives on children’s strategies for equal sharing problems
N Jessup, A Hewitt, V Jacobs, S Empson
Proceedings of the 37th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the …, 2015
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مقاله‌ها 1–20