دنبال کردن
Taneli Vaskelainen
Taneli Vaskelainen
University Researcher, University of Helsinki
ایمیل تأیید شده در helsinki.fi
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Carsharing business models in Germany: characteristics, success and future prospects
K Münzel, W Boon, K Frenken, T Vaskelainen
Information Systems and e-Business Management 16, 271-291, 2018
An institutional logics perspective on the gig economy
K Frenken, T Vaskelainen, L Fünfschilling, L Piscicelli
Theorizing the sharing economy: Variety and trajectories of new forms of …, 2020
The effect of institutional logics on business model development in the sharing economy: The case of German carsharing services
T Vaskelainen, K Münzel
Academy of Management Discoveries 4 (3), 273-293, 2018
On digitalization and sustainability transitions
AD Andersen, K Frenken, V Galaz, F Kern, L Klerkx, M Mouthaan, ...
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 41, 96-98, 2021
Conceptualising institutional complexity in the upscaling of community enterprises: Lessons from renewable energy and carsharing
T Bauwens, T Vaskelainen, K Frenken
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 42, 138-151, 2022
Online and offline communities in the sharing economy
T Vaskelainen, L Piscicelli
Sustainability 10 (8), 2927, 2018
Systemic sustainability effects of contemporary digitalization: A scoping review and research agenda
M Mouthaan, K Frenken, L Piscicelli, T Vaskelainen
Futures 149, 103142, 2023
Servitisation on consumer markets: entry and strategy in Dutch private lease markets
T Vaskelainen, K Münzel, W Boon, K Frenken
Innovation 24 (1), 231-250, 2022
Replacing meat, an easy feat? The role of strategic categorizing in the rise of meat substitutes
MJ Hoogstraaten, K Frenken, T Vaskelainen, WPC Boon
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 47, 100703, 2023
Exploring problems associated with the sharing economy
T Vaskelainen, N Tura
EJBO-Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies 23 (1), 2018
Sustainable business models-The case of car sharing
T Vaskelainen
International sustainable development research society conference, 2014
Hypes and the birth of new sustainable market categories – a socio-cultural perspective on the emergence of the meat substitute category in Finland
T Vaskelainen, M Siltaoja, H Hilla
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 1-13, 2022
The emergence of the sharing economy industry: insights from the German carsharing industry
T Vaskelainen
JYU dissertations, 2018
Tipping the scales of the blue transition: Framing the geography of a Norwegian seafood mission
M Mouthaan, K Frenken, L Piscicelli, T Vaskelainen
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 52, 100857, 2024
Partnering for Shared Mobility: Recommendations for Upscaling Residential Carsharing in the Netherlands
B Petzer, T Vaskelainen, A Campman, K Frenken
Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, 2021
The Incumbent and the Grass-roots Approach to the Sharing Economy
T Vaskelainen, K Münzel
Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 13660, 2017
Yhteisötalouden malleilla kohti oikeudenmukaisempaa energiamurrosta?
S Kujala, O Hakala, T Vaskelainen
Ruralia, 20, 2024
Osuuskunnat globaalien vastuukysymyksien airuina?
T Vaskelainen
OT Vuosikirja, 2023
Institutionalizing Co-operative Education in Universities-the Case of the Co-op Network Studies Program in Finland
P Hytinkoski, T Klén, T Vaskelainen
Deusto, estudios cooperativos 2023 (23), 59-73, 2023
Onko osuustoiminta vastuullista?
T Vaskelainen
Ruralia 2023 (2), 11, 2023
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مقاله‌ها 1–20