دنبال کردن
Stefán Ólafsson
Stefán Ólafsson
Professor of sociology University of Iceland
ایمیل تأیید شده در hi.is - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Íslenska leiðin: Almannatryggingar og velferð í fjölþjóðlegum samanburði (The Icelandic Welfare Model in an Interntional Comparison)
S Ólafsson
University of Iceland Press, 1999
Hugarfar og hagvöxtur (Culture and Economic Growth)
S Ólafsson
Reykjavík: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands, 1996
Búseta á Íslandi (Settlement patterns and migration within Iceland)
S Ólafsson
http://www.byggdastofnun.is/static/files/Skyrslur/buseta_a_islandi.pdf, 141, 1997
Búseta á Íslandi (Settlement patterns and migration within Iceland)
S Ólafsson
Regional Development Agency (Byggðastofnun), 1997
Contemporary Icelanders–Scandinavian or American
S Ólafsson
Scandinavian Review 91 (1), 6-14, 2003
Íslenska efnahagsundrið. Frá hagsæld til frjálshyggju og fjármálahruns (Icelandic Economic Miracle)
S Ólafsson
Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration 4 (2), 231-256, 2008
Örorka og velferð á Íslandi: og í öðrum vestrænum löndum
S Ólafsson
Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands, Rannsóknarstöð þjóðmála, 2005
Icelandic Capitalism–From Statism to Neoliberalism and Financial Collapse
S Ólafsson
Comparative Social Research; Special Volume, editor Lars Mjöset 28, 1-51, 2011
Effect of pulse-like near-fault ground motions on utility-scale land-based wind turbines
GÖ Sigurðsson, R Rupakhety, SE Rahimi, S Olafsson
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 18, 953-968, 2020
Welfare and the great recession: A comparative study
S Ólafsson, M Daly, O Kangas, J Palme
Oxford University Press, 2019
The 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake in Nepal and its aftershocks: analysis of strong ground motion
R Rupakhety, S Olafsson, B Halldorsson
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 15, 2587-2616, 2017
Iceland’s Financial Crisis and Level of Living Consequences
S Ólafsson
Social Research Centre-http://thjodmalastofnun.hi.is/sites/thjodmalastofnun …, 2011
Aukinn ójöfnuður á Íslandi: áhrif stjórnmála og markaðar í fjölþjóðlegum samanburði (Role of market and politics in increased inequality in Icveland)
S Ólafsson
Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration 2 (2), 129-156, 2006
Family policy in Iceland: An overview
G Eydal, S Ólafsson
Family Policies in the Context of Family Change, edited by Ilona Ostner and …, 2008
Analysis of a benchmark building installed with tuned mass dampers under wind and earthquake loads
S Elias, R Rupakhety, S Olafsson
Shock and Vibration 2019 (1), 7091819, 2019
Variations within the Scandinavian model: Iceland in the Scandinavian perspective
S Ólafsson
Welfare trends in the Scandinavian Countries, 61-88, 2019
12 Normative foundations of the Icelandic welfare state
S Ólafsson
in Normative foundations of the welfare state: The Nordic experience, edited …, 2005
From unemployment to disability? Relationship between unemployment rate and new disability pensions in Iceland 1992–2007
S Thorlacius, S Ólafsson
The European Journal of Public Health 22 (1), 96-101, 2012
Lífskjör og lífshættir á Norðurlöndum (Level of Living in the Nordic Countries)
S Ólafsson
Reykjavík: Iðunn, 1990
Modernization and social stratification in Iceland.
S Ólafsson
University of Oxford; D.Phil thesis., 1982
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مقاله‌ها 1–20