Disability and quality of life 20 years after traumatic brain injury N Andelic, EI Howe, T Hellstrøm, MF Sanchez, J Lu, M Løvstad, C Røe Brain and behavior 8 (7), e01018, 2018 | 128 | 2018 |
La regulación de la inclusión educativa del alumnado con discapacidad intelectual: una reforma pendiente MÁ Verdugo Alonso, AM Amor González, M Fernández Sánchez, ... | 93 | 2020 |
Predictive factors of quality of life in acquired brain injury MA Verdugo, M Fernández, LE Gómez, AM Amor, A Aza International journal of clinical and health psychology 19 (3), 189-197, 2019 | 44 | 2019 |
Core indicators to assess quality of life in population with brain injury M Fernández, MÁ Verdugo, LE Gómez, V Aguayo, B Arias Social Indicators Research 137, 813-828, 2018 | 35 | 2018 |
A new scale for measuring quality of life in acquired brain injury M Fernández, LE Gómez, VB Arias, V Aguayo, AM Amor, N Andelic, ... Quality of life Research 28, 801-814, 2019 | 27 | 2019 |
Shaping the faces of the prism: Rights, supports, and quality of life for enhancing inclusive education opportunities in students with intellectual disability AM Amor, M Fernández, MÁ Verdugo, A Aza, RL Schalock Inclusive Education: Unity in Diversity 49 (3), 58-88, 2020 | 25 | 2020 |
Towards the fulfillment of the right to inclusive education for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Framework for action AM Amor, M Fernández, MÁ Verdugo, A Aza, MI Calvo Education Sciences and Society, 2021 | 21 | 2021 |
Resolución de problemas aritméticos: Conocimiento conceptual y nivel de competencia en matemáticas JO Rodríguez, DM Méndez, MF Sánchez, LM Cordero Aula abierta 40 (3), 23-32, 2012 | 15 | 2012 |
Diminished false memory in adults with autism spectrum disorder: Evidence of identify-to-reject mechanism impairment DZ Wojcik, E Díez, MA Alonso, MV Martín-Cilleros, ... Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 45, 51-57, 2018 | 13 | 2018 |
Adaptation and validation of the self-report version of the scale for measuring quality of life in people with acquired brain injury (CAVIDACE) A Aza, MÁ Verdugo, MB Orgaz, M Fernández, AM Amor Quality of life research 29, 1107-1121, 2020 | 12 | 2020 |
Examining the suitability of the list of indicators describing age-related typical support needs AM Amor, MA Verdugo, B Arias, M Fernández, A Aza International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (2), 764, 2021 | 11 | 2021 |
Examining measurement invariance and differences across groups in the support needs of children with and without intellectual disability MA Verdugo, AM Amor, VB Arias, VM Guillén, M Fernández, B Arias Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 32 (6), 1535-1548, 2019 | 11 | 2019 |
Longitudinal study of quality of life in acquired brain injury: A self-and proxy-report evaluation MA Verdugo, A Aza, MB Orgaz, M Fernández, AM Amor International journal of clinical and health psychology 21 (2), 100219, 2021 | 10 | 2021 |
The predictors of proxy-and self-reported quality of life among individuals with acquired brain injury A Aza, MÁ Verdugo, MB Orgaz, N Andelic, M Fernández, MV Forslund Disability and rehabilitation 44 (8), 1333-1345, 2022 | 9 | 2022 |
Predictive factors of self-reported quality of life in acquired brain injury: One-year follow-up A Aza, MÁ Verdugo, MB Orgaz, AM Amor, M Fernández International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (3), 927, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Toward a better “person–environment fit” through items calibration of the SIS-C VB Arias, AM Amor, MA Verdugo, M Fernández, B Arias, A Aza International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (10), 3471, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
Hacia la inserciónsocio-laboraldesde la planificación de apoyos en los servicios sociales y educativos [Toward social and labour inclusion through supports planning in the … AM Amor, M Fernández, V Aguayo, MÁ Verdugo Deficiência Intelectual 7 (12), 36-43, 2017 | 7 | 2017 |
Escala CAVIDACE de evaluación de Calidad de Vida MA Verdugo, LE Gómez, M Fernández, V Aguayo, B Arias Manual de aplicación y corrección, 2018 | 6 | 2018 |
Spain: Gathering evidences in all system-levels for the applied impact of Disability Studies on people with disabilities' lives MF A. M. Amor, . A. Verdugo Studies on Disability. International theoretical, empirical and didactics …, 2018 | 5* | 2018 |
Development and validation of standardized quality of life measures for persons with IDD AM Amor, MÁ Verdugo, M Fernández, A Aza, V Sánchez-Gómez, ... Behavioral Sciences 13 (6), 452, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |