Financial literacy, financial education, and economic outcomes JS Hastings, BC Madrian, WL Skimmyhorn Annu. Rev. Econ. 5 (1), 347-373, 2013 | 1701 | 2013 |
Information, school choice, and academic achievement: Evidence from two experiments JS Hastings, JM Weinstein The Quarterly journal of economics 123 (4), 1373-1414, 2008 | 1231 | 2008 |
How financial literacy and impatience shape retirement wealth and investment behaviors J Hastings, OS Mitchell Journal of Pension Economics & Finance 19 (1), 1-20, 2020 | 596 | 2020 |
Vertical relationships and competition in retail gasoline markets: Empirical evidence from contract changes in Southern California JS Hastings American Economic Review 94 (1), 317-328, 2004 | 585 | 2004 |
School choice, school quality, and postsecondary attainment DJ Deming, JS Hastings, TJ Kane, DO Staiger American Economic Review 104 (3), 991-1013, 2014 | 538 | 2014 |
Parental preferences and school competition: Evidence from a public school choice program JS Hastings, TJ Kane, DO Staiger National Bureau of Economic Research, 2005 | 523 | 2005 |
Financial literacy, information, and demand elasticity: Survey and experimental evidence from Mexico JS Hastings, L Tejeda-Ashton National Bureau of Economic Research, 2008 | 480 | 2008 |
Are Some Degrees Worth More Than Others? Evidence from College Admission Cutoffs in Chile J Hastings, C Neilson, S Zimmerman National Bureua of Economics Working Paper 19241, 2013 | 461 | 2013 |
Heterogeneous Preferences and the Efficacy of Public School Choice J Hastings, T Kane, D Staiger | 428 | 2009 |
Fungibility and consumer choice: Evidence from commodity price shocks JS Hastings, JM Shapiro The quarterly journal of economics 128 (4), 1449-1498, 2013 | 311 | 2013 |
The First of the Month Effect: Consumer Behavior and Store Responses J Hastings, E Washington American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 142–162, 2010 | 295 | 2010 |
How are SNAP benefits spent? Evidence from a retail panel J Hastings, JM Shapiro American Economic Review 108 (12), 3493-3540, 2018 | 287 | 2018 |
MARKET POWER, VERTICAL INTEGRATION AND THE WHOLESALE PRICE OF GASOLINE* JS Hastings, RJ Gilbert The Journal of Industrial Economics 53 (4), 469-492, 2005 | 278 | 2005 |
The effects of earnings disclosure on college enrollment decisions J Hastings, CA Neilson, SD Zimmerman National Bureau of Economic Research, 2015 | 252 | 2015 |
Preferences, information, and parental choice behavior in public school choice JS Hastings, R Van Weelden, JM Weinstein National Bureau of Economic Research, 2007 | 212 | 2007 |
Fees, framing, and financial literacy in the choice of pension manager J Hastings, OS Mitchell, E Chyn Financial literacy: Implications for retirement security and the financial …, 2011 | 152 | 2011 |
Sales force and competition in financial product markets: the case of Mexico's social security privatization J Hastings, A Hortaçsu, C Syverson Econometrica 85 (6), 1723-1761, 2017 | 147 | 2017 |
Preferences and heterogeneous treatment effects in a public school choice lottery JS Hastings, TJ Kane, DO Staiger National Bureau of Economic Research, 2006 | 138 | 2006 |
Fettered consumers and sophisticated firms: evidence from Mexico's privatized social security market F Duarte, JS Hastings National Bureau of Economic Research, 2012 | 119 | 2012 |
(Un) informed college and major choice: Evidence from linked survey and administrative data JS Hastings, CA Neilson, A Ramirez, SD Zimmerman Economics of Education Review 51, 136-151, 2016 | 116 | 2016 |