دنبال کردن
Claudio Brondani
Claudio Brondani
رابطه نامشخص
ایمیل تأیید شده در embrapa.br
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Development, characterization and mapping of microsatellite markers in Eucalyptus grandis and E. urophylla
RPV Brondani, C Brondani, R Tarchini, D Grattapaglia
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 97, 816-827, 1998
QTL mapping and introgression of yield-related traits from Oryza glumaepatula to cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) using microsatellite markers
C Brondani, P Rangel, R Brondani, M Ferreira
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 104, 1192-1203, 2002
A microsatellite-based consensus linkage map for species of Eucalyptusand a novel set of 230 microsatellite markers for the genus
RPV Brondani, ER Williams, C Brondani, D Grattapaglia
BMC plant biology 6, 1-16, 2006
Towards a genus-wide reference linkage map for Eucalyptus based exclusively on highly informative microsatellite markers
R Brondani, C Brondani, D Grattapaglia
Molecular Genetics and Genomics 267, 338-347, 2002
Genetic mapping of a new set of microsatellite markers in a reference common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) population BAT93 x Jalo EEP558
MCM Grisi, MW Blair, P Gepts, C Brondani, PAA Pereira, RPV Brondani
Genet Mol Res 6 (3), 691-706, 2007
Association mapping for yield and grain quality traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
TCO Borba, RPV Brondani, F Breseghello, ASG Coelho, JA Mendonça, ...
Genetics and molecular biology 33, 515-524, 2010
Determination of genetic variability of traditional varieties of Brazilian rice using microsatellite markers
C Brondani, TCO Borba, PHN Rangel, RPV Brondani
Genetics and Molecular Biology 29, 676-684, 2006
In-depth genome characterization of a Brazilian common bean core collection using DArTseq high-density SNP genotyping
PAMR Valdisser, WJ Pereira, JE Almeida Filho, BSF Müller, GRC Coelho, ...
BMC genomics 18, 1-19, 2017
Microsatellite marker-mediated analysis of the EMBRAPA Rice Core Collection genetic diversity
TC de Oliveira Borba, RPV Brondani, PHN Rangel, C Brondani
Genetica 137 (3), 293-304, 2009
Transferability of microsatellite markers from Eucalyptus spp. to Eugenia dysenterica (Myrtaceae family)
MI Zucchi, RPV Brondani, JB Pinheiro, C Brondani, R Vencovsky
Molecular Ecology Notes 2 (4), 512-513, 2002
Development of microsatellite markers for the genetic analysis of Magnaporthe grisea
C Brondani, RPV Brondani, LR Garrido, ME Ferreira
Genetics and Molecular Biology 23, 753-762, 2000
Genome wide association study (GWAS) for grain yield in rice cultivated under water deficit
GF Pantaliao, M Narciso, C Guimaraes, A Castro, JM Colombari, ...
Genetica 144, 651-664, 2016
The characterization of a new set of EST-derived simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers as a resource for the genetic analysis of Phaseolus vulgaris
RAV Garcia, PN Rangel, C Brondani, WS Martins, LC Melo, MS Carneiro, ...
BMC genetics 12, 1-14, 2011
Genetic Structure of Wild Rice Oryza Glumaepatula Populations in Three Brazilian Biomes Using Microsatellite Markers
RPV Brondani, MI Zucchi, C Brondani, PHN Rangel, TCD Oliveira Borba, ...
Genetica 125, 115-123, 2005
Agronomic and molecular characterization of introgression lines from the interspecific cross Oryza sativa (BG90-2) x Oryza glumaepatula (RS-16).
PN Rangel, RPV Brondani, PHN Rangel, C Brondani
Genetics and Molecular Research, v. 7, n. 1, p. 184-195, Feb. 2008., 2008
Development and Mapping of Oryza Glumaepatula‐Derived Microsatellite Markers in the Interspecific Cross Oryza Glumaepatula X O. Sativa
C Brondani, RP Vianello Brondani, PH Nakano Rangel, ME Ferreira
Hereditas 134 (1), 59-71, 2001
QTL mapping for the cooking time of common beans
RAV Garcia, PN Rangel, PZ Bassinello, C Brondani, LC Melo, ST Sibov, ...
Euphytica 186, 779-792, 2012
Paternity testing and behavioral ecology: a case study of jaguars (Panthera onca) in Emas National Park, Central Brazil
TN Soares, MPC Telles, LV Resende, L Silveira, ATA Jácomo, RG Morato, ...
Genetics and Molecular Biology 29, 735-740, 2006
Genome-Wide Association and Regional Heritability Mapping of Plant Architecture, Lodging and Productivity in Phaseolus vulgaris
RT Resende, MDV de Resende, CF Azevedo, F Fonseca e Silva, LC Melo, ...
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 8 (8), 2841-2854, 2018
Differentially Expressed Genes during Flowering and Grain Filling in Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Grown under Drought Stress Conditions
BSF Mueller, T Sakamoto, RDD Silveira, PF Zambussi-Carvalho, ...
Plant molecular biology reporter 32, 438-451, 2014
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مقاله‌ها 1–20