دنبال کردن
Daniel Peptenatu
Daniel Peptenatu
Universitatea din București, Facultatea de Geografie, Centrul de Analiză Integrată și Management
ایمیل تأیید شده در geo.unibuc.ro
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Respect for environment and sustainable development
I Ianos, D Peptenatu, D Zamfir
Carpathian journal of earth and environmental sciences 4 (1), 81-93, 2009
Detecting climate change effects on forest ecosystems in Southwestern Romania using Landsat TM NDVI data
R Pravalie, I Sîrodoev, D Peptenatu
Journal of Geographical Sciences 24, 815-832, 2014
Potenţialul turistic al României şi amenajarea turistică a spaţiului
M Cândea, G Erdeli, T Simon, D Peptenatu
Bucureşti: EdituraUniversitară, 2003
Flood hazard mapping using the flood and flash-flood potential index in the Buzău River catchment, Romania
MC Popa, D Peptenatu, CC Drăghici, DC Diaconu
Water 11 (10), 2116, 2019
Fractal analysis for studying the evolution of forests
IC Andronache, H Ahammer, HF Jelinek, D Peptenatu, AM Ciobotaru, ...
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 91, 310-318, 2016
Dynamics of forest fragmentation and connectivity using particle and fractal analysis
I Andronache, M Marin, R Fischer, H Ahammer, M Radulovic, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 12228, 2019
Using fractal analysis in modeling the dynamics of Forest areas and economic impact assessment: Maramureș County, Romania, as a case study
RD Pintilii, I Andronache, DC Diaconu, RC Dobrea, M Zeleňáková, ...
Forests 8 (1), 25, 2017
Changes in the forest ecosystems in areas impacted by aridization in south-western Romania
R Pravalie, I Sîrodoev, D Peptenatu
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 12, 1-15, 2014
The role of SPA tourism in the development of local economies from Romania
D Cristian-Constantin, P Radu-Daniel, P Daniel, CL Georgiana, S Igor
Procedia Economics and finance 23, 1573-1577, 2015
Assessing the fragmentation of the green infrastructure in Romanian cities using fractal models and numerical taxonomy
AI Petrişor, IC Andronache, LE Petrişor, AM Ciobotaru, D Peptenatu
Procedia Environmental Sciences 32, 110-123, 2016
Characteristics of entrepreneurial profile in some emergent territorial structures in Romania
D Peptenatu, C Draghici, C Merciu
Actual problems of economics 12 (138), 448-458, 2012
Spatial evolution of forest areas in the northern Carpathian Mountains of Romania.
CC Drăghici, I Andronache, H Ahammer, D Peptenatu, RD Pintilii, ...
Acta Montanistica Slovaca 22 (2), 2017
Creative economies in Romania-spatial projections and trends
RD Pintilii, D Peptenatu, AM Ciobotaru, SG Toma, AM Grigore, ...
Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, 95-108, 2017
RD Pintilii, IC Andronache, AG Simion, CC DRĂGHICI, D Peptenatu, ...
Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions/Urbanism. Arhitectura. Constructii 7 (1), 2016
Assessment of textural differentiations in forest resources in Romania using fractal analysis
I Andronache, R Fensholt, H Ahammer, AM Ciobotaru, RD Pintilii, ...
Forests 8 (3), 54, 2017
The importance of the number of points, transect location and interpolation techniques in the analysis of bathymetric measurements
DC Diaconu, P Bretcan, D Peptenatu, D Tanislav, E Mailat
Journal of hydrology 570, 774-785, 2019
Specific features of environment risk management in emerging territorial structures
D Peptenatu, C Merciu, G Merciu, C DRĂGHICI, L Cercleux
Carpathian journal of earth and environmental sciences 7 (2), 135-143, 2012
Health tourism contribution to the structural dynamics of the territorial systems with tourism functionality
CC Drăghici, D Diaconu, C Teodorescu, RD Pintilii, AM Ciobotaru
Procedia Environmental Sciences 32, 386-393, 2016
Quantification of the aridity process in south-western Romania
D Peptenatu, I Sîrodoev, R Pravalie
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 11, 1-6, 2013
Water deficit and corn productivity during the post-socialist period. Case study: Southern Oltenia drylands, Romania
R Prăvălie, CV Patriche, I Sirodoev, G Bandoc, M Dumitraşcu, ...
Arid Land Research and Management 30 (3), 239-257, 2016
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20