دنبال کردن
Julien Vion
Julien Vion
LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201, Univ. Polytechnique Hauts de France
ایمیل تأیید شده در uphf.fr
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Enforcing arc consistency using bitwise operations
C Lecoutre, J Vion
Constraint Programming Letters (CPL) 2, 21-35, 2008
Conservative dual consistency
C Lecoutre, S Cardon, J Vion
AAAI 7, 237-242, 2007
Light algorithms for maintaining max-RPC during search
J Vion, R Debruyne
SARA-2009 Eighth Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation, and Approximation …, 2009
Path consistency by dual consistency
C Lecoutre, S Cardon, J Vion
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming–CP 2007: 13th …, 2007
Second-order consistencies
C Lecoutre, S Cardon, J Vion
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 40, 175-219, 2011
Using SAT encodings to derive CSP value ordering heuristics
C Lecoutre, L Sais, J Vion
Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modelling and Computation 1 (3-4), 169-186, 2006
Une simple heuristique pour rapprocher DFS et LNS pour les COP
J Vion, S Piechowiak
Proceedings of JFPC 17, 39-45, 2017
Multi-variable distributed backtracking with sessions
R Mandiau, J Vion, S Piechowiak, P Monier
Applied intelligence 41, 736-758, 2014
Privacy stochastic games in distributed constraint reasoning
J Savaux, J Vion, S Piechowiak, R Mandiau, T Matsui, K Hirayama, ...
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 88, 691-715, 2020
From MDD to BDD and Arc consistency
J Vion, S Piechowiak
Constraints 23, 451-480, 2018
Utilitarian Approach to Privacy in Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems.
J Savaux, J Vion, S Piechowiak, R Mandiau, T Matsui, K Hirayama, ...
FLAIRS, 454-459, 2017
Discsps with privacy recast as planning problems for self-interested agents
J Savaux, J Vion, S Piechowiak, R Mandiau, T Matsui, K Hirayama, ...
2016 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI), 359-366, 2016
Hybridation de prouveurs CSP et apprentissage
J Vion
Troisièmes Journées Francophones de Programmationpar Contraintes (JFPC07), 2007
Constraint Satisfaction Problem for Java
J Vion
Integrating strong local consistencies into constraint solvers
J Vion, T Petit, N Jussien
Recent Advances in Constraints: 14th Annual ERCIM International Workshop on …, 2011
Concrete: a CSP Solving API for the JVM
J Vion
Bound consistencies for the csp
C Lecoutre, J Vion
Proceeding of the second international workshop Constraint Propagation And …, 2005
Fault tolerance in DisCSPs: Several failures case
F Chakchouk, S Piechowiak, R Mandiau, J Vion, M Soui, K Ghedira
Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 15th International …, 2019
Privacité dans les DisCSP pour agents utilitaires.
J Savaux, J Vion, S Piechowiak, R Mandiau, T Matsui, K Hirayama, ...
JFSMA, 129-138, 2016
Handling Heterogeneous Constraints in Revision Ordering Heuristics
J Vion, S Piechowiak
2010 TRICS, 68, 2010
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مقاله‌ها 1–20