دنبال کردن
Vincenzo Perrone
Vincenzo Perrone
ایمیل تأیید شده در unibocconi.it
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Does trust matter? Exploring the effects of interorganizational and interpersonal trust on performance
A Zaheer, B McEvily, V Perrone
Organization science 9 (2), 141-159, 1998
Trust as an organizing principle
B McEvily, V Perrone, A Zaheer
Organization science 14 (1), 91-103, 2003
Free to be trusted? Organizational constraints on trust in boundary spanners
V Perrone, A Zaheer, B McEvily
Organization science 14 (4), 422-439, 2003
Some conceptual and research barriers to the utilization of knowledge
G Miles, RE Miles, V Perrone, L Edvinsson
California management review 40 (3), 281-288, 1998
The strategic value of buyer‐supplier relationships
A Zaheer, B McEvily, V Perrone
International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management 34 (2), 20-26, 1998
Introduction to the special issue on trust in an organizational context
B McEvily, V Perrone, A Zaheer
Organization Science 14 (1), 1-4, 2003
Cooperation among competitors as status-seeking behavior: Network ties and status differentiation
M Tortoriello, V Perrone, B McEvily
European Management Journal 29 (5), 335-346, 2011
The evolution of status hierarchies: network dynamics and status differentiation
M Tortoriello, B McEvily, V Perrone
Online: http://littlehurt. tepper. cmu. edu/gsiadoc/WP/2004-E12. pdf, 2004
Vulnerability and the asymmetric nature of trust in interorganizational exchange
B McEvily, A Zaheer, V Perrone
Working Paper. Carnegie Mellon University. URL (Abruf am 27.03. 2004): http …, 2004
Sympathy for the devil? Reflections on the perils of institutionalising trust research
V Perrone
Journal of Trust Research 3 (2), 155-171, 2013
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مقاله‌ها 1–10