دنبال کردن
Carlo Knotz
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
How demanding are activation requirements for jobseekers
H Immervoll, C Knotz
OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers 215, 2018
A rising workfare state? Unemployment benefit conditionality in 21 OECD countries, 1980–2012
CM Knotz
Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 34 (2), 91-108, 2018
Why countries ‘get tough on the work-shy’: The role of adverse economic conditions
C Knotz
Journal of Social Policy 48 (3), 615-634, 2019
Coalitions and compensation: The case of unemployment benefit duration
C Knotz, J Lindvall
Comparative Political Studies 48 (5), 586-615, 2015
Preferred policy responses to technological change: Survey evidence from OECD countries
MR Busemeyer, M Gandenberger, C Knotz, T Tober
Socio-Economic Review 21 (1), 593-615, 2023
A recast framework for welfare deservingness perceptions
CM Knotz, MK Gandenberger, F Fossati, G Bonoli
Social Indicators Research 159 (3), 927-943, 2022
Getting Tough on Unemployment: Essays on the politics of unemployment benefit reform in affluent democracies
CM Knotz
Lund Political Studies, 2016
Does demanding activation work? A comparative analysis of the effects of unemployment benefit conditionality on employment in 21 advanced economies, 1980–2012
CM Knotz
European Sociological Review 36 (1), 121-135, 2020
The Comparative Unemployment Benefit Conditions & Sanctions Dataset
C Knotz, M Nelson
https://benefitconditionality.weebly.com/, 2018
Conditional solidarity-attitudes towards support for others during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic
MK Gandenberger, CM Knotz, F Fossati, G Bonoli
Journal of Social Policy 52 (4), 943-961, 2023
Measuring the'new balance of rights and responsibilities' in labor market policy: A quantitative overview of activation strategies in 20 OECD countries
CM Knotz
ZeS-Arbeitspapier, 2012
Quantifying'Conditionality': A New Database on Conditions and Sanctions for Unemployment Benefit Claimants
C Knotz, M Nelson
Available at SSRN 2328253, 2013
Public attitudes toward pandemic triage: evidence from conjoint survey experiments in Switzerland
CM Knotz, MK Gandenberger, F Fossati, G Bonoli
Social Science & Medicine 285, 114238, 2021
The political determinants of benefit work conditionality
CM Knotz
Journal of European Public Policy 28 (12), 2011-2022, 2021
Popular attitudes toward the distribution of vaccines against COVID‐19: The Swiss case
CM Knotz, MK Gandenberger, F Fossati, G Bonoli
Swiss Political Science Review 27 (2), 297-310, 2021
Activity related eligibility conditions for receiving unemployment benefits: Results 2020
H Immervoll, C Knotz, I Otmani
OECD, 2020
The roles of employers and trade unions in immigration and welfare state policymaking
C Knotz, F Fossati, G Scalise, G Hooijer
Journal of European Social Policy 30 (5), 521-527, 2020
The gender employment gap among refugees and the role of employer discrimination: Experimental evidence from the German, Swedish and Austrian labor markets
F Fossati, C Knotz, F Liechti, I Otmani
International Migration Review 58 (1), 147-172, 2024
Sometimes needs change minds: Interests and values as determinants of attitudes towards state support for the self-employed during the COVID-19 crisis
G Bonoli, F Fossati, M Gandenberger, CM Knotz
Journal of European Social Policy 32 (4), 407-421, 2022
Measuring the ‘New Balance of Rights and Responsibilities
CM Knotz
labor market policy: A quantitative overview of activation strategies in 20, 2012
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مقاله‌ها 1–20