دنبال کردن
Andreas Schilling
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Superconductivity above 130 k in the hg–ba–ca–cu–o system
A Schilling, M Cantoni, JD Guo, HR Ott
Nature 363 (6424), 56-58, 1993
Calorimetric measurement of the latent heat of vortex-lattice melting in untwinned YBa2Cu3O7–δ
A Schilling, RA Fisher, NE Phillips, U Welp, D Dasgupta, WK Kwok, ...
Nature 382 (6594), 791-793, 1996
Anisotropic Latent Heat of Vortex-Lattice Melting in Untwinned
A Schilling, RA Fisher, NE Phillips, U Welp, WK Kwok, GW Crabtree
Physical review letters 78 (25), 4833, 1997
Optical and transport properties of ultrathin NbN films and nanostructures
A Semenov, B Günther, U Böttger, HW Hübers, H Bartolf, A Engel, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (5), 054510, 2009
Irreversibility line of monocrystalline : Experimental evidence for a dimensional crossover of the vortex ensemble
A Schilling, R Jin, JD Guo, HR Ott
Physical review letters 71 (12), 1899, 1993
Creating cinematic wide gamut HDR-video for the evaluation of tone mapping operators and HDR-displays
J Froehlich, S Grandinetti, B Eberhardt, S Walter, A Schilling, H Brendel
Digital photography X 9023, 279-288, 2014
Cognitive function over the treatment course of depression in middle-aged patients: correlation with brain MRI signal hyperintensities
P Neu, M Bajbouj, A Schilling, F Godemann, RM Berman, P Schlattmann
Journal of psychiatric research 39 (2), 129-135, 2005
3D modeling of indoor environments by a mobile robot with a laser scanner and panoramic camera
P Biber, H Andreasson, T Duckett, A Schilling
2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2004
Current-assisted thermally activated flux liberation in ultrathin nanopatterned NbN superconducting meander structures
H Bartolf, A Engel, A Schilling, K Il’in, M Siegel, HW Hübers, A Semenov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (2), 024502, 2010
Magnetic switching of ferroelectric domains at room temperature in multiferroic PZTFT
DM Evans, A Schilling, A Kumar, D Sanchez, N Ortega, M Arredondo, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 1534, 2013
Efficient reconstruction of nonrigid shape and motion from real-time 3D scanner data
M Wand, B Adams, M Ovsjanikov, A Berner, M Bokeloh, P Jenke, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 28 (2), 1-15, 2009
Symmetry detection using feature lines
M Bokeloh, A Berner, M Wand, HP Seidel, A Schilling
Computer Graphics Forum 28 (2), 697-706, 2009
Synthesis of a new alkali metal–organic solvent intercalated iron selenide superconductor with Tc≈ 45 K
A Krzton-Maziopa, EV Pomjakushina, VY Pomjakushin, F Von Rohr, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (38), 382202, 2012
Monodisperse colloidal gallium nanoparticles: synthesis, low temperature crystallization, surface plasmon resonance and Li-ion storage
M Yarema, M Wörle, MD Rossell, R Erni, R Caputo, L Protesescu, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (35), 12422-12430, 2014
Bayesian point cloud reconstruction
P Jenke, M Wand, M Bokeloh, A Schilling, W Straßer
Computer graphics forum 25 (3), 379-388, 2006
Isometric registration of ambiguous and partial data
A Tevs, M Bokeloh, M Wand, A Schilling, HP Seidel
2009 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1185-1192, 2009
Reconstruction of deforming geometry from time-varying point clouds
M Wand, P Jenke, Q Huang, M Bokeloh, L Guibas, A Schilling
Symposium on Geometry processing, 49-58, 2007
An unusual phase transition to a second liquid vortex phase in the superconductor YBa2Cu3O7
F Bouquet, C Marcenat, E Steep, R Calemczuk, WK Kwok, U Welp, ...
Nature 411 (6836), 448-451, 2001
Texram: A smart memory for texturing
A Schilling, G Knittel, W Strasser
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 16 (3), 32-41, 1996
Morphological control of polar orientation in single-crystal ferroelectric nanowires
A Schilling, RM Bowman, G Catalan, JF Scott, JM Gregg
Nano letters 7 (12), 3787-3791, 2007
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مقاله‌ها 1–20