دنبال کردن
Nolywé Delannon
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Social license
E Raufflet, S Baba, C Perras, N Delannon
Encyclopedia of corporate social responsibility 1, 2013
Corporate community engagement strategies and organizational arrangements: A multiple case study in Canada
N Delannon, E Raufflet, S Baba
Journal of Cleaner Production 129, 714-723, 2016
Encyclopedia of corporate social responsibility
E Raufflet, S Baba, C Perras, N Delannon, SO Idowu, N Capaldi, L Zu, ...
Hämtat från SpringerLink: https://link. springer. com/referenceworkentry/10 …, 2013
Que font les entreprises en matière de relations avec les communautés?
N Delannon, J Bénard, I Verreault, E Raufflet
Gestion 36 (2), 29-38, 2011
Impeding corporate social responsibility: Revisiting the role of government in shaping business—Marginalized local community relations
N Delannon, E Raufflet
Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility 30 (4), 470-484, 2021
Contesting social responsibilities of business: Experiences in context
P D’Cruz, N Delannon, A Kourula, L McCarthy, J Moon, L Spence
Human Relations 75 (2), 401-407, 2022
Creolization as resistance to PCSR: The contested field of the past at the Guiana Space Center
N Delannon, E Raufflet
Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 16553, 2017
Culture organisationnelle et stratégie environnementale: l'expérience de trois organisations.
D Cayer, E Raufflet, N Delannon
Revue Sciences de Gestion, 2011
Communautés locales
N Delannon, E Raufflet, L Portales, C Garcia
Encyclopédie de la stratégie 8, 95-106, 2014
Contesting social responsibilities of business: Centring context, experience, and relationality
P D’Cruz, N Delannon, A Kourula, L McCarthy, J Moon, LJ Spence
human relations 77 (7), 889-905, 2024
Regards croisés: une recension, une discussion
N Delannon, H Liu, J Barnicaud, C Berrier-Lucas
Revue de l’organisation responsable 17 (2), 115-123, 2022
Repoliticizing Political CSR: Business-government-civil society relations in times of division
N Delannon
HEC Montreal (Canada), 2018
Quand innovation et déresponsabilisation vont de pair
N Delannon
Gestion 48 (2), 16-17, 2023
Entrepreneurship in French Guiana
N Delannon, D Delannon, M Royer
Entrepreneurship in South America: Context, Diversity, Constraints …, 2022
Round table: A book review, a commentary
N Delannon, H Liu, J Barnicaud, C Berrier-Lucas
Responsible Organization Review 17 (2), 115-123, 2022
Après la pandémie: l’urgence de repenser et de transformer la responsabilité sociale des entreprises
N Delannon
Nouveaux Cahiers du socialisme, 187-190, 2022
Démocratisation de l’entreprise: vue de l’esprit ou sujet brûlant?
N Delannon
Gestion 47 (3), 14-15, 2022
Leadership responsable: chimère, impasse ou urgence?
N Delannon
Gestion 47 (1), 16-17, 2022
Diversité et inclusion: quelle responsabilité pour les organisations?
N Delannon
Gestion 46 (3), 16-17, 2021
Irresponsables, les entreprises de l’économie collaborative?
N Delannon
Gestion 45 (4), 14-15, 2020
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20