The role of surface chemistry in the charge storage properties of graphene oxide Z Jovanovic, D Bajuk-Bogdanović, S Jovanović, Ž Mravik, J Kovač, ... Electrochimica Acta 258, 1228-1243, 2017 | 61 | 2017 |
A class of almost orthogonal filters B DANKOVIĆ, S NIKOLIĆ, M MILOJKOVIĆ, Z JOVANOVIĆ Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 18 (05), 923-931, 2009 | 46 | 2009 |
Modelling of dynamical systems based on almost orthogonal polynomials M Milojković, S Nikolić, B Danković, D Antić, Z Jovanović Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 16 (2), 133-144, 2010 | 39 | 2010 |
Anti-swing fuzzy controller applied in a 3D crane system D Antic, Z Jovanovic, S Peric, S Nikolic, M Milojkovic, M Milosevic Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research 2 (2), 196-200, 2012 | 37 | 2012 |
Orthogonal functions applied in antenna positioning S Nikoli, D Antic, B Dankovic, M Milojkovic, Z Jovanovic, S Peric Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering 10 (4), 35-42, 2010 | 37 | 2010 |
Approximation based on orthogonal and almost orthogonal functions D Antić, B Danković, S Nikolić, M Milojković, Z Jovanović Journal of the Franklin Institute 349 (1), 323-336, 2012 | 33 | 2012 |
Sensitivity analysis of imperfect systems using almost orthogonal filters D Antić, S Nikolić, M Milojković, N Danković, Z Jovanović, S Perić Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 8 (6), 79-94, 2011 | 31 | 2011 |
Monte Carlo study of the scattered radiation field near the eyes of the operator in interventional procedures P Ferrari, F Becker, E Carinou, V Chumak, J Farah, Z Jovanovic, D Krstic, ... Journal of radiological protection 36 (4), 902, 2016 | 30 | 2016 |
Optimal Design of the Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for a DC Servo Drive. D Antić, M Milojković, Z Jovanović, S Nikolić Journal of Mechanical Engineering/Strojniški Vestnik 56, 2010 | 30 | 2010 |
Digital Sliding Mode Control of Anti-Lock Braking System. DB Mitic, SL Peric, DS Antic, ZD Jovanovic, MT Milojkovic, SS Nikolic Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering 13 (1), 33-41, 2013 | 27 | 2013 |
Modelling of cascade-connected systems using quasi-orthogonal functions D Antic, Z Jovanovic, V Nikolic, M Milojkovic, S Nikolic, N Dankovic Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika 18 (10), 3-8, 2012 | 25 | 2012 |
On a new class of quasi-orthogonal filters MT Milojković, DS Antić, SS Nikolić, ZD Jovanović, SL Perić International Journal of Electronics 100 (10), 1361-1372, 2013 | 23 | 2013 |
Simulation of Hp (10) and effective dose received by the medical staff in interventional radiology procedures P Ferrari, F Becker, Z Jovanovic, S Khan, E Bakhanova, S Principi, ... Journal of radiological protection 39 (3), 809, 2019 | 20 | 2019 |
Effect of the radiation protective apron on the response of active and passive personal dosemeters used in interventional radiology and cardiology M Ginjaume, E Carinou, M Brodecki, I Clairand, ... Journal of Radiological Protection 39 (1), 97, 2019 | 19 | 2019 |
Pd–Ag hydrogen diffusion cathode for alkaline water electrolysers A Pozio, M De Francesco, Z Jovanovic, S Tosti international journal of hydrogen energy 36 (9), 5211-5217, 2011 | 19 | 2011 |
On the probability stability of discrete-time control systems Z Jovanović, BM Danković Facta universitatis-series: Electronics and Energetics 17 (1), 11-20, 2004 | 18 | 2004 |
Systems modeling based on Legendre polynomials B Dankovic, D Antic, Z Jovanovic, S Nikolic, M Milojkovic 2009 5th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and …, 2009 | 16 | 2009 |
Monte Carlo calculations of lung dose in ORNL phantom for boron neutron capture therapy D Krstic, VM Markovic, Z Jovanovic, B Milenkovic, D Nikezic, ... Radiation protection dosimetry 161 (1-4), 269-273, 2014 | 14 | 2014 |
Reuse of exhausted air from multi-actuator pneumatic control systems M Šešlija, V Reljić, D Šešlija, S Dudić, N Dakić, Z Jovanović Actuators 10 (6), 125, 2021 | 13 | 2021 |
Silicon surface deoxidation using strontium oxide deposited with the pulsed laser deposition technique Z Jovanovic, M Spreitzer, J Kovac, D Klement, D Suvorov ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6 (20), 18205-18214, 2014 | 13 | 2014 |