The diversity and coevolution of Rubisco, plastids, pyrenoids, and chloroplast-based CO2-concentrating mechanisms in algae MR Badger, TJ Andrews, SM Whitney, M Ludwig, DC Yellowlees, ... Canadian Journal of Botany 76 (6), 1052-1071, 1998 | 867 | 1998 |
Advancing Our Understanding and Capacity to Engineer Nature’s CO2-Sequestering Enzyme, Rubisco SM Whitney, RL Houtz, H Alonso Plant physiology 155 (1), 27-35, 2011 | 543 | 2011 |
Rubisco activity and regulation as targets for crop improvement MAJ Parry, PJ Andralojc, JC Scales, ME Salvucci, AE Carmo-Silva, ... Journal of experimental botany 64 (3), 717-730, 2013 | 501 | 2013 |
The cyanobacterial CCM as a source of genes for improving photosynthetic CO2 fixation in crop species GD Price, JJL Pengelly, B Forster, J Du, SM Whitney, S Von Caemmerer, ... Journal of experimental botany 64 (3), 753-768, 2013 | 270 | 2013 |
Biogenesis and metabolic maintenance of Rubisco A Bracher, SM Whitney, FU Hartl, M Hayer-Hartl Annual review of plant biology 68 (1), 29-60, 2017 | 260 | 2017 |
Rubisco in marine symbiotic dinoflagellates: form II enzymes in eukaryotic oxygenic phototrophs encoded by a nuclear multigene family. R Rowan, SM Whitney, A Fowler, D Yellowlees The Plant Cell 8 (3), 539-553, 1996 | 260 | 1996 |
Form I Rubiscos from non‐green algae are expressed abundantly but not assembled in tobacco chloroplasts SM Whitney, P Baldet, GS Hudson, TJ Andrews The Plant Journal 26 (5), 535-547, 2001 | 239 | 2001 |
Large variation in the Rubisco kinetics of diatoms reveals diversity among their carbon-concentrating mechanisms JN Young, AMC Heureux, RE Sharwood, REM Rickaby, FMM Morel, ... Journal of Experimental Botany 67 (11), 3445-3456, 2016 | 210 | 2016 |
Analysis of carboxysomes from Synechococcus PCC7942 reveals multiple Rubisco complexes with carboxysomal proteins CcmM and CcaA BM Long, MR Badger, SM Whitney, GD Price Journal of Biological Chemistry 282 (40), 29323-29335, 2007 | 210 | 2007 |
Manipulating ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase in the chloroplasts of higher plants TJ Andrews, SM Whitney Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 414 (2), 159-169, 2003 | 180 | 2003 |
Different thermal sensitivity of the repair of photodamaged photosynthetic machinery in cultured Symbiodinium species S Takahashi, SM Whitney, MR Badger Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (9), 3237-3242, 2009 | 176 | 2009 |
Directed mutation of the Rubisco large subunit of tobacco influences photorespiration and growth SM Whitney, S Von Caemmerer, GS Hudson, TJ Andrews Plant Physiology 121 (2), 579-588, 1999 | 174 | 1999 |
Isoleucine 309 acts as a C4 catalytic switch that increases ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco) carboxylation rate in Flaveria SM Whitney, RE Sharwood, D Orr, SJ White, H Alonso, J Galmés Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (35), 14688-14693, 2011 | 172 | 2011 |
Heat stress causes inhibition of the de novo synthesis of antenna proteins and photobleaching in cultured Symbiodinium S Takahashi, S Whitney, S Itoh, T Maruyama, M Badger Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (11), 4203-4208, 2008 | 172 | 2008 |
Plastome-encoded bacterial ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) supports photosynthesis and growth in tobacco SM Whitney, TJ Andrews Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (25), 14738-14743, 2001 | 164 | 2001 |
Using deubiquitylating enzymes as research tools RT Baker, AM Catanzariti, Y Karunasekara, TA Soboleva, R Sharwood, ... Methods in enzymology 398, 540-554, 2005 | 151 | 2005 |
The catalytic properties of hybrid Rubisco comprising tobacco small and sunflower large subunits mirror the kinetically equivalent source Rubiscos and can support tobacco growth RE Sharwood, S Von Caemmerer, P Maliga, SM Whitney Plant Physiology 146 (1), 83-96, 2008 | 150 | 2008 |
Temperature responses of Rubisco from Paniceae grasses provide opportunities for improving C3 photosynthesis RE Sharwood, O Ghannoum, MV Kapralov, LH Gunn, SM Whitney Nature Plants 2 (12), 1-9, 2016 | 145 | 2016 |
Improving recombinant Rubisco biogenesis, plant photosynthesis and growth by coexpressing its ancillary RAF1 chaperone SM Whitney, R Birch, C Kelso, JL Beck, MV Kapralov Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (11), 3564-3569, 2015 | 138 | 2015 |
Directing the evolution of Rubisco and Rubisco activase: first impressions of a new tool for photosynthesis research O Mueller-Cajar, SM Whitney Photosynthesis research 98, 667-675, 2008 | 124 | 2008 |