Committee assignments: Theories, causes and consequences S Martin, TA Mickler Parliamentary Affairs 72 (1), 77-98, 2019 | 63 | 2019 |
Who gets what and why? Committee assignments in the German Bundestag TA Mickler West European Politics 41 (2), 517-539, 2018 | 49 | 2018 |
Committee autonomy in parliamentary systems–coalition logic or congressional rationales? TA Mickler The Journal of Legislative Studies 23 (3), 367-391, 2017 | 32 | 2017 |
Standing committee assignments in the German Bundestag–who gets what in within-party negotiations? TA Mickler German Politics 22 (4), 421-440, 2013 | 31 | 2013 |
Not so random after all?–revisiting committee assignments in Dáil Éireann TA Mickler Irish Political Studies 33 (1), 112-135, 2018 | 17 | 2018 |
Parliamentary committees in a party-centred context: structure, composition, functioning TA Mickler Leiden University, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |
What happens after assignments? The room for manoeuvre of committee members in the Bundestag and the Tweede Kamer TA Mickler Parliamentary Affairs 72 (2), 445-463, 2019 | 10 | 2019 |
Who goes where? Committee assignments in the Dutch Tweede Kamer TA Mickler Parliamentary Affairs 72 (1), 99-118, 2019 | 10 | 2019 |
Parliamentary committees in a party-centred context: Looking behind the scenes TA Mickler Routledge, 2022 | 7 | 2022 |
The Determinants of Committee Membership in Belgium and the Netherlands T Mickler Politics Low Countries 3, 225, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Der Europaausschuss des dänischen Folketing. Eine Analyse der Verhandlungsmandate T Mickler Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 632-647, 2011 | 3 | 2011 |
The partisan foundations of parliamentary speech: How parliamentary party groups decide who gets to speak for them C Van Kleef, T Mickler, S Otjes Party Politics 30 (5), 880-893, 2024 | 2 | 2024 |
Who Goes Where? Committee Assignments in the Tweede Kamer TA Mickler | 1 | 2018 |
Who gets to speak for the party? How parliamentary party groups select spokespersons T Mickler, S Otjes, DM Willumsen Legislative Studies Quarterly, 2025 | | 2025 |
Werkwijze Tweede Kamer moet steviger op de schop S Otjes, T Mickler | | 2019 |
Inferring Ideological Positions From Speeches - An Analysis of the Tweede Kamer TA Mickler Paper prepared for presentation at the 2017 Politicologenetmaal conference …, 2017 | | 2017 |
Achieving Intra-Party Cohesion during Committee Negotiations-The Room for Manoeuvre of Individual Legislators in the Bundestag and the Tweede Kamer TA Mickler, TA Mickler 2017 ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, University of Nottingham, UK …, 2017 | | 2017 |
Committee ssignments in Parliaments with Strong Part Groups-n nal sis of the Bundestag, the Tweede Kamer and Dáil Éireann. 2016 ECPR oint Sessions of Workshops, Scuola Normale … T Mickler from https://hdl. handle. net/1887/46882 Version: Not pplicable (or Unknown …, 2016 | | 2016 |
How Much Room for Manoeuvre?-An Analysis of Individual Committee Members of the Bundestag, the Tweede Kamer and Dáil Éireann. TA Mickler 3rd General Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments …, 2016 | | 2016 |
Committee Assignments in Parliaments with Strong Party Groups-An Analysis of the Bundestag, the Tweede Kamer and Dáil Éireann. TA Mickler 2016 ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Scuola Normale Superiore, Scuola …, 2016 | | 2016 |