دنبال کردن
Fei Yu
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Wearable activity trackers, accuracy, adoption, acceptance and health impact: A systematic literature review
G Shin, MH Jarrahi, Y Fei, A Karami, N Gafinowitz, A Byun, X Lu
Journal of biomedical informatics 93, 103153, 2019
Toward a better understanding of task demands, workload, and performance during physician-computer interactions
LM Mazur, PR Mosaly, C Moore, E Comitz, F Yu, AD Falchook, MJ Eblan, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 23 (6), 1113-1120, 2016
Applying data analytics and visualization to assessing the research impact of the Cancer Cell Biology (CCB) Program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
F Yu, BE Hayes
Journal of eScience Librarianship 7 (1), 2018
A systematic review of automatic text summarization for biomedical literature and EHRs
M Wang, M Wang, F Yu, Y Yang, J Walker, J Mostafa
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 28 (10), 2287-2297, 2021
A deep recommendation model of cross-grained sentiments of user reviews and ratings
Y Cai, W Ke, E Cui, F Yu
Information Processing & Management 59 (2), 102842, 2022
Health recommender systems development, usage, and evaluation from 2010 to 2022: a scoping review
Y Cai, F Yu, M Kumar, R Gladney, J Mostafa
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (22), 15115, 2022
Relating task demand, mental effort and task difficulty with physicians’ performance during interactions with electronic health records (EHRs)
PR Mosaly, LM Mazur, F Yu, H Guo, M Derek, DH Laidlaw, C Moore, ...
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 34 (5), 467-475, 2018
Analysis of anti-racism, equity, inclusion and social justice initiatives in library and information science literature
EP Jones, NS Mani, RB Carlson, CG Welker, M Cawley, F Yu
Reference Services Review 50 (1), 81-101, 2022
Development of a mobile app to support self-management of anxiety and depression in African American women: usability study
T McCall, MO Ali, F Yu, P Fontelo, S Khairat
JMIR formative research 5 (8), e24393, 2021
How American academic medical/health sciences libraries responded to the COVID-19 health crisis: An observational study
F Yu, N Mani
Data and information management 4 (3), 200-208, 2020
Bibliometrics approach to evaluating the research impact of CTSAs: a pilot study
F Yu, AA Van, T Patel, N Mani, A Carnegie, GM Corbie-Smith, T Carey, ...
Journal of clinical and translational science 4 (4), 336-344, 2020
A health literacy analysis of the consumer-oriented COVID-19 information produced by ten state health departments
NS Mani, T Ottosen, M Fratta, F Yu
Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA 109 (3), 422, 2021
Innovative UX methods for information access based on interdisciplinary approaches: Practical lessons from academia and industry
F Yu, L Ruel, R Tyler, Q Xu, H Cui, S Karanasios, BX Nguyen, A Keilbach, ...
Data and Information Management 4 (1), 74-80, 2020
Conversational interfaces for health: bibliometric analysis of grants, publications, and patents
Z Xing, F Yu, J Du, JS Walker, CB Paulson, NS Mani, L Song
Journal of medical Internet research 21 (11), e14672, 2019
Performance, usability, and user experience of rayyan for systematic reviews
F Yu, C Liu, S Sharmin
Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 59 (1 …, 2022
A systematic investigation on the research publications that have used the medical expenditure panel survey (MEPS) data through a bibliometrics approach
J Liu, F Yu, L Song
Library Hi Tech 38 (4), 705-721, 2020
Individualized interventions and precision health: Lessons learned from a systematic review and implications for analytics‐driven geriatric research
AR Kahkoska, NLB Freeman, EP Jones, D Shirazi, S Browder, A Page, ...
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 71 (2), 383-393, 2023
Users' emotional and material satisfaction at the micro/macro levels in an academic library
F Yu
University of Pittsburgh, 2006
New data-related roles for librarians: Using bibliometric analysis and visualization to increase visibility of research impact
NS Mani, BE Hayes, A Dodd, F Yu, MA Cawley
Handbook of research on knowledge and organization systems in library and …, 2021
Intelligent conversational agents in patient self-management: a systematic survey using multi data sources
Z Xing, F Yu, YAM Qanir, T Guan, J Walker, L Song
MEDINFO 2019: Health and Wellbeing e-Networks for All, 1813-1814, 2019
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20