دنبال کردن
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Drying of Indian subcontinent by rapid Indian Ocean warming and a weakening land-sea thermal gradient
MK Roxy, K Ritika, P Terray, R Murtugudde, K Ashok, BN Goswami
Nature communications 6 (1), 7423, 2015
Twentieth-century sea surface temperature trends
MA Cane, AC Clement, A Kaplan, Y Kushnir, D Pozdnyakov, R Seager, ...
science 275 (5302), 957-960, 1997
Oceanic processes associated with anomalous events in the Indian Ocean with relevance to 1997–1998
R Murtugudde, JP McCreary Jr, AJ Busalacchi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 105 (C2), 3295-3306, 2000
A threefold rise in widespread extreme rain events over central India
MK Roxy, S Ghosh, A Pathak, R Athulya, M Mujumdar, R Murtugudde, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1-11, 2017
Impact of Indian Ocean sea surface temperature on developing El Niño
H Annamalai, SP Xie, JP McCreary, R Murtugudde
Journal of Climate 18 (2), 302-319, 2005
A spatial ecosystem and populations dynamics model (SEAPODYM)–Modeling of tuna and tuna-like populations
P Lehodey, I Senina, R Murtugudde
Progress in Oceanography 78 (4), 304-318, 2008
A reduction in marine primary productivity driven by rapid warming over the tropical Indian Ocean
MK Roxy, A Modi, R Murtugudde, V Valsala, S Panickal, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (2), 826-833, 2016
Environmental signatures associated with cholera epidemics
G Constantin de Magny, R Murtugudde, MRP Sapiano, A Nizam, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (46), 17676-17681, 2008
Coupled dynamics over the Indian Ocean: Spring initiation of the zonal mode
H Annamalai, R Murtugudde, J Potemra, SP Xie, P Liu, B Wang
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 50 (12-13), 2305-2330, 2003
Strong influence of westerly wind bursts on El Niño diversity
D Chen, T Lian, C Fu, MA Cane, Y Tang, R Murtugudde, X Song, Q Wu, ...
Nature Geoscience 8 (5), 339-345, 2015
Interannual variability of the dynamics and thermodynamics of the tropical Indian Ocean
R Murtugudde, AJ Busalacchi
Journal of Climate 12 (8), 2300-2326, 1999
Ocean color variability of the tropical Indo‐Pacific basin observed by SeaWiFS during 1997–1998
RG Murtugudde, SR Signorini, JR Christian, AJ Busalacchi, CR McClain, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 104 (C8), 18351-18366, 1999
Effects of penetrative radiation on the upper tropical ocean circulation
R Murtugudde, J Beauchamp, CR McClain, M Lewis, AJ Busalacchi
Journal of Climate 15 (5), 470-486, 2002
Indian Ocean climate event brings floods to East Africa's lakes and the Sudd Marsh
C Birkett, R Murtugudde, T Allan
Geophysical Research Letters 26 (8), 1031-1034, 1999
A semiannual Indian Ocean forced Kelvin wave observed in the Indonesian seas in May 1997
J Sprintall, AL Gordon, R Murtugudde, RD Susanto
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 105 (C7), 17217-17230, 2000
Annual ecosystem variability in the tropical Indian Ocean: Results of a coupled bio-physical ocean general circulation model
JD Wiggert, RG Murtugudde, JR Christian
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 53 (5-7), 644-676, 2006
Bridging the gap from ocean models to population dynamics of large marine predators: a model of mid-trophic functional groups
P Lehodey, R Murtugudde, I Senina
Progress in Oceanography 84 (1-2), 69-84, 2010
Air–sea interaction and the seasonal cycle of the subtropical anticyclones
R Seager, R Murtugudde, N Naik, A Clement, N Gordon, J Miller
Journal of climate 16 (12), 1948-1966, 2003
Salinity effects in a tropical ocean model
R Murtugudde, AJ Busalacchi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 103 (C2), 3283-3300, 1998
Simulation of the tropical oceans with an ocean GCM coupled to an atmospheric mixed-layer model
R Murtugudde, R Seager, A Busalacchi
Journal of Climate 9 (8), 1795-1815, 1996
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مقاله‌ها 1–20