دنبال کردن
James N. Donald
James N. Donald
ایمیل تأیید شده در sydney.edu.au
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Does your mindfulness benefit others? A systematic review and meta‐analysis of the link between mindfulness and prosocial behaviour
JN Donald, BK Sahdra, B Van Zanden, JJ Duineveld, PWB Atkins, ...
British Journal of Psychology 110 (1), 101-125, 2019
Mindfulness-based Interventions for University Students: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
A Dawson, W Brown, J Anderson, B Datta, J Donald, K Hong, S Allan, ...
Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 2019
Mindfulness and its association with varied types of motivation: A systematic review and meta-analysis using self-determination theory
JN Donald, EL Bradshaw, RM Ryan, G Basarkod, J Ciarrochi, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 46 (7), 1121-1138, 2020
Daily stress and the benefits of mindfulness: Examining the daily and longitudinal relations between present-moment awareness and stress responses
JN Donald, PWB Atkins, PD Parker, AM Christie, RM Ryan
Journal of Research in Personality 65, 30-37, 2016
The well-being profile (WB-Pro): Creating a theoretically based multidimensional measure of well-being to advance theory, research, policy, and practice.
HW Marsh, FA Huppert, JN Donald, MS Horwood, BK Sahdra
Psychological assessment 32 (3), 294, 2020
Mindfulness and motivation: A process view using self-determination theory
RM Ryan, JN Donald, EL Bradshaw
Current Directions in Psychological Science 30 (4), 300-306, 2021
The meaning and doing of mindfulness: The role of values in the link between mindfulness and well-being
AM Christie, PWB Atkins, JN Donald
Mindfulness 8, 368-378, 2017
A worthy self is a caring self: Examining the developmental relations between self‐esteem and self‐compassion in adolescents
JN Donald, J Ciarrochi, PD Parker, BK Sahdra, SL Marshall, J Guo
Journal of Personality, 2017
Mindfulness and coping with stress: Do levels of perceived stress matter?
JN Donald, PWB Atkins
Mindfulness 7, 1423-1436, 2016
Departing from the essential features of a high quality systematic review of psychotherapy: A response to Öst (2014) and recommendations for improvement
PWB Atkins, J Ciarrochi, BA Gaudiano, JB Bricker, JN Donald, G Rovner, ...
Behavior Research and Therapy 97, 259-272, 2017
Paths to the light and dark sides of human nature: A meta-analytic review of the prosocial benefits of autonomy and the antisocial costs of control.
JN Donald, EL Bradshaw, JH Conigrave, PD Parker, LL Byatt, M Noetel, ...
Psychological Bulletin 147 (9), 921, 2021
Cognitive Defusion Predicts More Approach and Less Avoidance Coping With Stress, Independent of Threat and Self‐Efficacy Appraisals
JN Donald, PWB Atkins, PD Parker, AM Christie, J Guo
Journal of Personality, 2016
The consequences of compulsion: A 4-year longitudinal study of compulsive internet use and emotion regulation difficulties.
JN Donald, J Ciarrochi, BK Sahdra
Emotion 22 (4), 678, 2022
The equality paradox: Gender equality intensifies male advantages in adolescent subjective well-being
J Guo, G Basarkod, F Perales, PD Parker, HW Marsh, J Donald, T Dicke, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 50 (1), 147-164, 2024
Compulsive Internet Use and the Development of Self‐Esteem and Hope: A Four‐Year Longitudinal Study
JN Donald, J Ciarrochi, PD Parker, BK Sahdra
Journal of Personality, 2018
Does mindfulness improve intergroup bias, internalized bias, and anti-bias outcomes?: A meta-analysis of the evidence and agenda for future research
DF Chang, J Donald, J Whitney, IY Miao, B Sahdra
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 50 (10), 1487-1516, 2024
School leaders’ self-efficacy and job satisfaction over nine annual waves: A substantive-methodological synergy juxtaposing competing models of directional ordering
HW Marsh, O Luedtke, R Pekrun, PD Parker, K Murayama, J Guo, ...
Contemporary Educational Psychology 73, 102170, 2023
Connected or cutoff? A 4-year longitudinal study of the links between adolescents’ compulsive internet use and social support
JN Donald, J Ciarrochi, J Guo
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 50 (2), 299-313, 2024
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of mindfulness among leaders
JN Donald, H Nguyen, J Conigrave, KB Lowe, AM Johnson, ...
Academy of management proceedings 2021 (1), 10448, 2021
Mindfulness and its association with varied types of motivation within self-determination Theory: A systematic review and meta-analysis
JN Donald, EL Bradshaw, RM Ryan, G Basarkod, J Ciarrochi, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 46 (7), 1121-1138, 2019
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مقاله‌ها 1–20