دنبال کردن
Anne Moxnes Jervell
Anne Moxnes Jervell
Senior Research Fellow, School of Economics and Business, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
ایمیل تأیید شده در umb.no
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Changing Patterns of Family Farming and Pluriactivity.
AM Jervell
Sociologia Ruralis 39 (1), 1999
Multifunctionality of agricultural activities, changing rural identities and new institutional arrangements
H Renting, H Oostindie, C Laurent, G Brunori, D Barjolle, A Jervell, ...
International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 7 (4 …, 2008
Management and risk characteristics of part‐time and full‐time farmers in Norway
G Lien, O Flaten, AM Jervell, M Ebbesvik, M Koesling, PS Valle
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 28 (1), 111-131, 2006
Farmer and consumer attitudes at farmers markets in Norway
K Åsebø, AM Jervell, G Lieblein, M Svennerud, C Francis
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 30 (4), 67-93, 2007
Improving smallholder livelihoods through local value chain development: a case study of goat milk yogurt in Tanzania
H Lie, KM Rich, LR Kurwijila, AM Jervell
International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 15 (3), 55-85, 2012
The family farm as a premise for entrepreneurship
AM Jervell
The handbook of research on entrepreneurship in agriculture and rural …, 2011
New marketing channels for food quality products in Norway
AM Jervell, SO Borgen*
Food Economics-Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section C 1 (2), 108-118, 2004
Change management in dairy farming
BG Hansen, AM Jervell
The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 22 (1), 23-40, 2015
Beyond food: Towards a multifunctional agriculture
AM Jervell, DA Jolly
Norsk institutt for landbruksøkonomisk forskning, 2003
Farmers' participation decisions regarding agro-tourism activities in Norway
ML Loureiro, AM Jervell
Tourism economics 11 (3), 453-469, 2005
Distribution of dairyproduction rights through quotas: the norwegian case
A Moxnes Jervell, S Ole Borgen
Research in Rural Sociology and Development, 355-378, 2000
Direct markets as multiple consumption spaces: The case of two Norwegian collective marketing initiatives
G Vittersø, AM Jervell
The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 18 (1), 54-69, 2011
From field to table? The marketing of organic products in Norway
AM Jervell, SO Borgen, O Flaten
Marketing trends for organic food in the 21st century, 275-289, 2004
Endringer i jordbrukshusholdenes inntekt utenfor bruket 1986-96
AM Jervell, J Løyland
Landbruksøkonomisk Forum (LØF) 4 (98), 63-75, 1998
Multifunctionality of activities, plurality of identities and new institutional Arrangements
H Renting, H Ostiendie, C Laurent, G Brunori, M Charollais, D Barjolle, ...
Surveys, Synthesis report Surveys, Multagri project, synthetic report, 2005
Kostnader og omstillingsmuligheter på norske mjølkeproduksjonsbruk
H Giæver, O Flaten, AM Jervell, A Hegrenes
Production costs and adjustment possibilities on Norwegian dairy farms …, 1995
Multifunctionality of activities, plurality of identities and new institutional arrangements. Synthesis report.
H Renting, H Oostindie, CE Laurent, G Brunori, A Rossi, M Charollais, ...
Multagri Project, 2005
Farmers’ market: direkt contakt mellom produsent og forbruker
AM Jervell
Landbruksøkonomisk forum, 5-18, 2001
Tradisjon og forandring–generasjonsskifte som rekruttering til landbruk
AM Jervell
Landbruket ved en korsvei, 91-108, 2002
Merkedskanaler for nisjemat–økonomiske og organisatoriske utfordringer
AM Jervell
Landbruksøkonomisk forum 20 (1), 53-62, 2003
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مقاله‌ها 1–20