دنبال کردن
Yaya S. Kusumah
Yaya S. Kusumah
ایمیل تأیید شده در upi.edu - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Petunjuk praktis untuk melaksanakan evaluasi pendidikan matematika
E Suherman, Y Sukjaya
Bandung: Wijayakusumah 157, 1990
The Impact of Problem-Based Learning Approach to Senior High School Students' Mathematics Critical Thinking Ability.
R Widyatiningtyas, YS Kusumah, U Sumarmo, J Sabandar
Indonesian Mathematical Society Journal on Mathematics Education 6 (2), 30-38, 2015
Concept of triangle: Examples of mathematical abstraction in two different contexts
F Nurhasanah, YS Kusumah, J Sabandar
International Journal on Emerging Mathematics Education 1 (1), 53-70, 2017
The Effectiveness of the Application of Mathematical Software in Indonesia; A Meta-Analysis Study.
M Tamur, D Juandi, YS Kusumah
International Journal of Instruction 13 (4), 867-884, 2020
Peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa melalui model pembelajaran CORE dengan pendekatan scientific
R Deswita, YS Kusumah, JA Dahlan
Edumatika: Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika 1 (1), 35-43, 2018
Cultivating upper secondary students’ mathematical reasoning-ability and attitude towards mathematics through problem-based learning
EE Napitupulu, D Suryadi, YS Kusumah
Journal on mathematics education 7 (2), 117-128, 2016
The Effect of GeoGebra in Three-Dimensional Geometry Learning on Students' Mathematical Communication Ability.
YS Kusumah, D Kustiawati, T Herman
International Journal of Instruction 13 (2), 895-908, 2020
A meta-analysis of Geogebra software decade of assisted mathematics learning: what to learn and where to go?
D Juandi, YS Kusumah, M Tamur, KS Perbowo, TT Wijaya
Heliyon 7 (5), 2021
Improving of Junior High School Visual Thinking Representation Ability in Mathematical Problem Solving by CTL.
E Surya, J Sabandar, YS Kusumah
Indonesian Mathematical Society Journal on Mathematics Education 4 (1), 113-126, 2013
Mathematical critical thinking ability through contextual teaching and learning approach
K Kurniati, YS Kusumah, J Sabandar, T Herman
Indonesian Mathematical Society Journal on Mathematics Education 6 (1), 53-62, 2015
Pendekatan metakognitif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir reflektif matematis siswa SMA
H Nindiasari
Edusentris 1 (1), 80-90, 2014
Peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis siswa melalui model project-based learning dengan pendekatan stem
I Octaviyani, YS Kusumah, A Hasanah
Journal on Mathematics Education Research (J-MER) 1 (1), 10-14, 2020
A meta-analysis of the last two decades of realistic mathematics education approaches
D Juandi, YS Kusumah, M Tamur
International Journal of Instruction 15 (1), 381-400, 2022
The effect of metacognitive teaching and mathematical prior knowledge on mathematical logical thinking ability and self-regulated learning.
M Aminah, YS Kusumah, D Suryadi, U Sumarmo
International Journal of Instruction 11 (3), 45-62, 2018
The hypothetical learning trajectory on research in mathematics education using research-based learning
RCI Prahmana, YS Kusumah
Pedagogika/Pedagogy 123 (3), 42-54, 2016
The effectiveness of dynamic geometry software applications in learning mathematics: A meta-analysis study
D Juandi, Y Kusumah, M Tamur, K Perbowo, M Siagian, R Sulastri, ...
International Association of Online Engineering, 2021
Enhancing Students' Communication Skills through Treffinger Teaching Model.
I Alhaddad, YS Kusumah, J Sabandar, JA Dahlan
Indonesian Mathematical Society Journal on Mathematics Education 6 (1), 31-39, 2015
Literasi matematis
YS Kusumah
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan MIPA 111, 2011
Peningkatan kemampuan geometri spasial siswa smp melalui pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berbantuan geogebra
RD Siswanto, YS Kusumah
Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pembelajaran Matematika 10 (1), 2017
Improving intuition skills with realistic mathematics education.
B Hirza, YS Kusumah
Indonesian Mathematical Society Journal on Mathematics Education 5 (1), 27-34, 2014
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20