دنبال کردن
Murray Batchelor
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Surface exponents of the quantum XXZ, Ashkin-Teller and Potts models
FC Alcaraz, MN Barber, MT Batchelor, RJ Baxter, GRW Quispel
Journal of Physics A: mathematical and general 20 (18), 6397, 1987
Fermi gases in one dimension: From Bethe ansatz to experiments
XW Guan, MT Batchelor, C Lee
Reviews of Modern Physics 85 (4), 1633-1691, 2013
Conformal invariance, the XXZ chain and the operator content of two-dimensional critical systems
FC Alcaraz, MN Barber, MT Batchelor
Annals of Physics 182 (2), 280-343, 1988
Central charges of the 6-and 19-vertex models with twisted boundary conditions
A Klumper, MT Batchelor, PA Pearce
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 24 (13), 3111, 1991
The quantum Rabi model: solution and dynamics
Q Xie, H Zhong, MT Batchelor, C Lee
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50 (11), 113001, 2017
Conformal anomaly and surface energy for Potts and Ashkin-Teller quantum chains
CJ Hamer, GRW Quispel, MT Batchelor
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 20 (16), 5677, 1987
Spectrum of the biquadratic spin-1 antiferromagnetic chain
MN Barber, MT Batchelor
Physical Review B 40 (7), 4621, 1989
Conformal invariance and the spectrum of the XXZ chain
FC Alcaraz, MN Barber, MT Batchelor
Physical review letters 58 (8), 771, 1987
Semi-classical and quantum Rabi models: in celebration of 80 years
D Braak, QH Chen, MT Batchelor, E Solano
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49 (30), 300301, 2016
Phase transitions and pairing signature in strongly attractive Fermi atomic gases
XW Guan, MT Batchelor, C Lee, M Bortz
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (8), 085120, 2007
The quantum symmetric XXZ chain atΔ=-½, alternating-sign matrices and planepartitions
MT Batchelor, J De Gier, B Nienhuis
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 34 (19), L265, 2001
One-Dimensional Interacting Anyon Gas: Low-Energy Properties<? format?> and Haldane Exclusion Statistics
MT Batchelor, XW Guan, N Oelkers
Physical review letters 96 (21), 210402, 2006
q-deformations of the O (3) symmetric spin-1 Heisenberg chain
MT Batchelor, L Mezincescu, RI Nepomechie, V Rittenberg
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 23 (4), L141, 1990
Analytical eigenstates for the quantum Rabi model
H Zhong, Q Xie, MT Batchelor, C Lee
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (41), 415302, 2013
Exact solution and interfacial tension of the six-vertex model with anti-periodic boundary conditions
MT Batchelor, RJ Baxter, MJ O'Rourke, CM Yung
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 28 (10), 2759, 1995
Integrable vertex and loop models on the square lattice with open boundaries via reflection matrices
CM Yung, MT Batchelor
Nuclear Physics B 435 (3), 430-462, 1995
Critical properties of the Izergin-Korepin and solvable O (n) models and their related quantum spin chains
SO Warnaar, MT Batchelor, B Nienhuis
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 25 (11), 3077, 1992
Evidence for the super Tonks–Girardeau gas
MT Batchelor, M Bortz, XW Guan, N Oelkers
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2005 (10), L10001, 2005
Bethe ansatz study of one-dimensional Bose and Fermi gases with periodic and hard wall boundary conditions
N Oelkers, MT Batchelor, M Bortz, XW Guan
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39 (5), 1073, 2006
The Bethe ansatz after 75 years
MT Batchelor
Physics today 60 (1), 36-40, 2007
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مقاله‌ها 1–20