دنبال کردن
Carlos Caleiro
Carlos Caleiro
Associate Professor for Logic and Computation at IST, Univ. Lisboa
ایمیل تأیید شده در math.ist.utl.pt
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Fibring of logics as a categorial construction
A Sernadas, C Sernadas, C Caleiro
Journal of logic and computation 9 (2), 149-179, 1999
Two's company:“The humbug of many logical values”
C Caleiro, W Carnielli, M Coniglio, J Marcos
Logica universalis: Towards a general theory of logic, 169-189, 2005
Logics for specifying concurrent information systems
HD Ehrich, C Caleiro, A Sernadas, G Denker
Logics for Databases and Information Systems, 167-198, 1998
Fibring non-truth-functional logics: Completeness preservation
C Caleiro, WA Carnielli, ME Coniglio, A Sernadas, C Sernadas
Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12, 183-211, 2003
Specifying communication in distributed information systems
HD Ehrich, C Caleiro
Acta Informatica 36 (8), 591-616, 2000
Fibring of logics as a universal construction
C Caleiro, J Rasga, C Sernadas, W Carnielli
Handbook of Philosophical Logic, 2nd Edition, 123-187, 2005
On the semantics of Alice&Bob specifications of security protocols
C Caleiro, L Viganò, D Basin
Theoretical Computer Science 367 (1-2), 88-122, 2006
On the negative impact of social influence in recommender systems: A study of bribery in collaborative hybrid algorithms
G Ramos, L Boratto, C Caleiro
Information Processing & Management 57 (2), 102058, 2020
Equipollent logical systems
C Caleiro, R Gonçalves
Logica Universalis: Towards a general theory of logic, 97-109, 2007
Synchronization of logics
A Sernadas, C Sernadas, C Caleiro
Studia Logica 59, 217-247, 1997
Metareasoning about security protocols using distributed temporal logic
C Caleiro, L Vigano, D Basin
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 125 (1), 67-89, 2005
Categorial Fibring of Logics with Terms and Binding Operators.
A Sernadas, C Sernadas, C Caleiro, T Mossakowski
FroCoS, 295-316, 1998
Combining logics
C Caleiro
1 st W orld S chool on U niversal L ogic, 5, 2000
Bivalent semantics, generalized compositionality and analytic classic-like tableaux for finite-valued logics
C Caleiro, J Marcos, M Volpe
Theoretical Computer Science 603, 84-110, 2015
Parameterisation of logics
C Caleiro, C Sernadas, A Sernadas
Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques: 13th International …, 1999
From fibring to cryptofibring. A solution to the collapsing problem
C Caleiro, J Ramos
Logica Universalis 1, 71-92, 2007
Relating strand spaces and distributed temporal logic for security protocol analysis
C Caleiro, L Vigano, D Basin
Logic Journal of IGPL 13 (6), 637-663, 2005
Analytic calculi for monadic PNmatrices
C Caleiro, S Marcelino
Logic, Language, Information, and Computation: 26th International Workshop …, 2019
Disjoint fibring of non-deterministic matrices
S Marcelino, C Caleiro
International Workshop on Logic, Language, Information, and Computation, 242-255, 2017
Axiomatizing non-deterministic many-valued generalized consequence relations
S Marcelino, C Caleiro
Synthese 198 (Suppl 22), 5373-5390, 2021
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مقاله‌ها 1–20